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Everything posted by ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

  1. Indeed weird, what's your IG name ? I will check logs to find anything strange. The server is connected to the offcial hive so I presume it can't be specific to our server. Can you log to another public hive server to watch your player state ?
  2. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Optional Watermark for Server [1.7.7]

    I guess there is a bug when you generate the mission file. If you have a space in the server name for the watermark, it doesn't work and let the server name commented in the init.sqf.
  3. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    BattlEye Server Filters for DayZ Mod 1.8.4

    Maybe yes ! BUT instead of letting hackers do what they want, i keep it until an official fix, and as nobody was kicked for a false reason.
  4. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    BattlEye Server Filters for DayZ Mod 1.8.4

    ok then waiting for official fix ;)
  5. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    BattlEye Server Filters for DayZ Mod 1.8.4

    Another hack, same hacker with another guid Faco :/ Watch your remote Exec file guys Edit: quick fix before Faco doing it on github to prevent scripters -> add this to RE filter :
  6. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    This is nothing to do with the patch, if you're server admin update your filters, if not change server.
  7. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com Server shown as 1.7.7 - Item duplicating

    You forgot to rename your server ;)
  8. We only use it for internal tools as rcon now. We have a bunch of custom tools to watch the server.
  9. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    The server is running fine, only this error on the RPT: Ok then Razor: this update sucks ! Please get back my AS 50 WTF !!!! LOL ... ;)
  10. Now enjoy the fast version update with our new server. Server updated and running !
  11. We will move to the new FR 808 Server ! You can move your stuff, the server is already ready and running ! New topic: http://dayzmod.com/f...nti-hack-tools/ ENGLISH VERSION Hello there, The Admin team from DE 2959 (Survival Servers) would like to introduce you the new LU511 server (Vilayer).This is a Public Hive server with fresh vehicles. As far as possible, there is always an admin on remote to reduce the hacking activities. Features: DayZ 1.7.7 / Arma 2 Beta 103718 / 40 slots Required Beta Build: 103419 Gotcha Antihack 1.2.3 DartBans Difficulty: Regular Time: UTC -6 Maxping: 250ms Custom tools/ filters for a safer server Restarted every 8 hours Admin Team: DJ Teschmi Stam Evenflow Ameo All players are welcomed to join us ! Don't hesitate to contact us in English or French. Enjoy the double vehicles spawn bug on the LU511 ! (Two MI17, two UH1, ... ) ______________________________________________ FRENCH VERSION Bonjour à tous ! Les anciens admins du défunt DE 2959 vous présente leur nouveau serveur LU511 (Hosté par Vilayer). Le serveur est un serveur Public Hive avec la particularité d'avoir ses spawns de vehicules en double ! Vous trouverez donc, par exemple: 2 Mi17, 2 UH1, 2 V3S, etc ... L'équipe est très active. Nous faisons en sorte qu'il y ait tjs un admin de connecté, pour pouvoir réagir vite en cas de problèmes. Features: DayZ 1.7.7 / Arma 2 Beta 103718 / 40 slots Version minimum requise: 103419 Gotcha Antihack 1.2.3 DartBans Difficulté: Regular Time: UTC -6 Ping Max: 250ms Outils faits maison pr un serveur plus sûr Redémarré toutes les 8 heures L'équipe d'admin: DJ Teschmi Stam Evenflow Ameo Tous les joueurs sont les bienvenus. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter en francais ou en anglais.
  12. Update: Vilayer, our host, changed our IP address, and they are waiting the dev team to whitlist the new ip, Razor if you read this ;) So don't worry, you ll find your stuff back, and will be able to move it to the new server, FR 808 Again sorry for this, but our hands are tied.
  13. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Line Of Sight I suppose.
  14. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Great ! Thx to the dev team !
  15. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DayZ 1.7.7.Dev Bug List

    Same problem with the MH6J and HMWV on our new fresh server.
  16. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Heli Crash Site - Admin Config in 1.7.7 for grass circles?

    No this is another bug from 1.7.7, happened times to times. I tried to uncomment but still grass around Heli Crashs.
  17. We will move to the new FR 808 Server ! You can move your stuff, the server is already ready and running ! New topic: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/139756-fr-808-177103718-regular-utc-6-50-slots-shaddaa-server-public-hive-custom-anti-hack-tools/
  18. Ok guyz, Vilayer is slow and bad: - 72h to have the patch availaible. - 10h to change the mission file. (It takes 30 secs to generate and upload) And now the mission file is wrong and the server don't start, so we have to wait again. Thank you Vilayer ! Thank you ! Sorry but we all have to wait ...
  19. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    Sounds very good !
  20. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    You're hit when the screen flashes.
  21. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    BattlEye Server Filters for DayZ Mod 1.8.4

    Au top Facoptere ;)
  22. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Gratz !
  23. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    "Patch" 1.7.7

    They have been removed so they're not staying ?! I'm confused :|
  24. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Database >> Players >> Position?

    153 - y -> 153 - 66 = 87