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Everything posted by ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

  1. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Is the AS50 still in the game?

    You're right. By the way AS50s are for kiddies ;)
  2. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    'Official Hive' servers with custom buildings, heli lift etc...

    That's why we write Public Hive on our server name ;)
  3. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Matt ! It's a shame ! All this work provided by the devs, and no response for 1 month ? Are you serious ? Thx again Razor for all you provived to the DayZ community.
  4. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    Thx Razor, no more timeout for the moment.
  5. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Request a new Instance

    You are doomed :( Vilayer changed our IP address on our old server, we had to shut it down ...
  6. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Vehicle don't respawn on Official Hive

    I think google have it, but not sure.
  7. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Vehicle don't respawn on Official Hive

    +1 Vehicles are now ok, and no timeout in 2 restarts ! Razor, you rule ! Thx !
  8. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    This is another issue > http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/144185-vehicle-dont-respawn-on-official-hive/ For your problem you have to use Jimmy's trick, pm me I ll send you the file and how to use it.
  9. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com cloning glitch.

    This is not the same issue then, Razor only give the fix when players disconnect. (Error on the RPT)
  10. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Help with Server Scheduler

    First look at your BElog if there is any error.
  11. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Vehicle don't respawn on Official Hive

    No it's a different problem. The server is not starting at all when the timeout error appears. Pm Razor for this problem.
  12. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Vehicle don't respawn on Official Hive

    No I already have this issue twice on my server. If the Jimmy's trick is not working, you have to tell Razor to fix it, but not to reset the whole instance.
  13. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Can I play this game on an apple mac??

    I don't think it can handle Arma 2.
  14. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Can I play this game on an apple mac??

    Under Windows O.S., yep. Under O.S. X, nop.
  15. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    Ok, can you give me your server ip and port please ? So I can give it for exemple on my new ticket. Thanks.
  16. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    Don't feel sorry dude ;) One positive thing is our server is still starting. 3 or 4 restarts are needed but it starts. Do you know what exactly HFB have done to fix the issue for you ?
  17. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    We all know there is an issue with the main Hive, we all know it will be deprecied one day (for months, there is no new whitelisted server anymore). We are server admins, and for the most part, we're paying for our boxes every month. The problem has been detected 3 weeks ago (more or less), and only Razor replyied to this thread, is there only Razor or Facoptere here ? Where is Ander ? I suppose he's still the person in charge of the Hive, am I wrong ? So please, and even if it's a big nasty problem, please keep us in touch. Thank you. @Spant: it's not fixed, we got the issue 1 hour ago, and HFB "fixes" our problem too, I requested them to force the main hive IP, but it's not working. Is there only HFB server that have this problem ? I don't think so.
  18. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    connect timed out:

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/143328-hive-error-unknown-internal-error/ Searching before posting.
  19. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Melee Weapon Quick Switch Help/Advice

    For me 1st is better !
  20. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    Did you read the thread before you replyed ?
  21. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    Yes but it's a not a new server, it works well until last week. 3 or 4 restarts and it connects.
  22. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    We have the same exact issue. The last night It make me 10 times to start our server. Razor ? Ander ? Can you help us ?
  23. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    A couple of questions about hosting a server

    Epic first thread :lol:
  24. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    BattlEye Server Filters for DayZ Mod 1.8.4

    Change all your filter from the zip file of the GitHub site. And then restart the server don't only reload scripts/events. Edit to Faco: Je n'arrive pas à te pm, comment je peux te joindre ?
  25. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    BattlEye Server Filters for DayZ Mod 1.8.4

    what filter ?