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Everything posted by ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

  1. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    US 434, Public Hive has moved

    Ok, so only HFB do a server re-whitelist and only for their server (If I understood well, they host the Hive). Cause we lost a Vilayer server by changing the server ip address (Vilayer needed to move it), and we was a bit angry ;) So I was suprised by your thread for that reason. Thx for the replies.
  2. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    US 434, Public Hive has moved

    My bad I through it was a public hive server, you write it on the title.
  3. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    US 434, Public Hive has moved

    Sorry but how did you manage to have your new ip address whitelisted on the public hive after the change ?
  4. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    LAN Server Setup help.

    Yes on windows but you can get it work on Linux. (much harder) I don't have Arma on Steam, don't know if it's possible from it. Google it for the install steps. You can find it, for exemple, on the offcial GitHub.
  5. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    LAN Server Setup help.

    Hello, Sure you can, you only have to set up a mysql database, the DayZ mod files on your arma2 server and there you go.
  6. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Script Restriction #82

    +1 BE kicks are related to server filters, nothing on your client can do that. So take another server or tell the admin ;)
  7. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Need a server control panel (please read)!

    All hosters use TC Admin and customize it. http://www.tcadmin.com/
  8. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Dayz Public Development

    The point is: it's still not a game ;) It's not an alpha at all, you can't "play" so ... It's better to wait IMO. BTW Minecraft was not publicly (?) developed.
  9. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Instance ID Request

    Yes I needed an ip change too 3 month ago for my old server, still waiting ;) The Hive is not maintained anymore, you have to change your server to private. No my server is public. After my old server ip got changed, I had to take a new server. (Vilayer change it without asking... so I took one from HFB) Edit: Hosters have pre-whitelisted servers.
  10. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Some Info I Need

    You can't and it's not meant to be played solo, this is a multiplayer mod. Do some seachs, your questions have been answered many times.
  11. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Instance ID Request

    No more whitelist dude :( You have to migrate to private.
  12. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Need Help With The Official Hive Vehicles

    All server have 44 or 45 vehicles, including 4 choppers (AH6X, MH6J, UH1, MI17) and a plane, the AN2 (but this one may not spawn on every server)
  13. From our experience, we had 3 DayZ server on public hive : Survival Server: failed, poor support, take a week to have DayZ update package, we moved to Vilayer. Vilayer: was good until they decide to change our ip address, no more whitelist on public hive -> server dead (everything was lost, angry players, ...) HFB: for the moment no problem at all, max 24h ticket responses, full FTP access, ACP well configured.
  14. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    way to see server cfg files/settings?

    By playing on the server, the only file you have access to, is the mission file. You still can check that file, in case you know what you are doing.
  15. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Need Help With The Official Hive Vehicles

    Hey, Sure, at server start, check your hive log or your arma RPT, you ll see the vehicles spawning.
  16. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    After the closing of Mydayz.de

    Play on public hive, for exemple, ours is well-protected against cheaters.
  17. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    It worked Razor, thank you. MH6J and AN2 have moved to their spawn location on our server.
  18. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Great news !
  19. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    Did you do it for all instances ? I ll check the veh spawns on next restart Thx.
  20. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DayZ Loot Spawnrate

    The loot spawn is a bit brocken on the version. We fixed it on our server but not every server has the fix. And I'm talking about vanilla.
  21. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    You forget the machine guns. You can take down anything with a MK48 for exemple.
  22. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DE 834 - This guy's getting annoying

    If the admins can't see hackers killing everybody on the server, change server and never come back ;)
  23. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    How can you make the difference between bugs and modified features ? How can you say this is broken and this is not ? This is only what you guess, and doesn't mean you're right and others are wrong.
  24. Hello Nihoggr, Thank you, we try to do our bests ! On time, Sir ! We changed the setting 2 dayz ago ;) No more crosshair. So you can't no more spot players/vehicles that way. And thank you to be one of our oldest players around here.
  25. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    Thank you Matt, this problem was very "annoying"... Now can you validate the new version Razor sent you one month ago ? ;)