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Everything posted by ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

  1. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    BattleNET - C# library and client for the BattlEye protocol

    Even with manual method I got the issue
  2. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Enhanced Setpos.txt and Attachto.txt

    Updated with Attachto.txt Last night someone have teleported five vehicles, but nothing on the setpos, but its logs on the attachto.log : So i add the vehicles list to my attachto.txt : Hope it helps Updated for attachto.txt
  3. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    BattleNET - C# library and client for the BattlEye protocol

    Great tool ! I've got an issue when trying the say command, display the text twice.
  4. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Banning for crashing heli

    Paste your txt/log file here. So we can help you.
  5. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    No vehicles spawning on server

    Do you see them in the HiveExt.log on start ? (...) 2012-12-06 12:57:18 : [information] Result: ["ObjectStreamStart",60] 2012-12-06 12:57:18 : [information] Method: 302 Params: 11143: 2012-12-06 12:57:18 : [information] Result: ["OBJ","5137265","ATV_US_EP1","0", (...) 2012-12-06 12:57:18 : [information] Method: 302 Params: 11143: 2012-12-06 12:57:18 : [information] Result: ["OBJ","5137266","ATV_US_EP1","0", (...) 2012-12-06 12:57:18 : [information] Method: 302 Params: 11143: (...) If not, we can't do anything, use Ticket support.
  6. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    No vehicles spawning on server

    You don't find any vehicle on your server or they don't spawn at all ? When the first player comes on your server on start, look at your arma2oaserver.rpt file, and, above the "Hive: Starting" line you have to see each vehicle name. Like this : (...) 10:05:23 "HIVE: Starting" 10:05:26 "HIVE: Request sent" 10:05:26 "HIVE: Commence Object Streaming..." 10:05:26 "OBJ: 5137265 - ATV_US_EP1" 10:05:26 "OBJ: 5137266 - ATV_US_EP1" 10:05:26 "OBJ: 5137267 - ATV_US_EP1" 10:05:26 "OBJ: 5137268 - ATV_US_EP1" 10:05:26 "OBJ: 5137269 - ATV_US_EP1" (...) You clearly see the vehicles spawning. If you don't see anything, look at your HiveExt.log, there is maybe errors.
  7. Good work here. Is it possible to save the states of columns at restart in next updates, to keep the order of columns ?
  8. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    L85 Should it stay or go

    Replaced with an Alternative without Thermal is the best choice for a survival game.
  9. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Build Rolling Update

    This is good !
  10. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    "Community" devtest servers

    Another option is to create a folder in your OA install, and specify the folder as the mod on an alternate shortcut: For official release shortcut : (...) "-mod=C:\Games\ArmA 2;Expansion;ca;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@DayZ" For the pre-release shortcut : (...) "-mod=C:\Games\ArmA 2;Expansion;ca;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@DayZ_1.7.4"
  11. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Amazing update !
  12. Hi all ! I'm admin on an official server for 2 months. One month ago, we found the UH1 with my friends, and use it without problems. BUT, 4 dayz ago, I'd restarted the server WITHOUT saving the helicopter (we've always saved it before the server restart). The chopper disapears from our camp, and we found nothing on known spawns spots. On the log I have this trace : 14:26:17 "HIVE: UPDATING OBJ: [1636e080# 1055185: uh1h.p3d,"damage"] / UID: "204853295430201"" 14:26:17 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:306:2154632:[["glass1",1]]:0:"" 14:26:17 "WRITE: ['PASS']" 14:26:17 "HIVE: UPDATING OBJ: [1636e080# 1055185: uh1h.p3d,"damage"] / UID: "204853295430201"" 14:26:17 "HIVE: UPDATING OBJ: [1636e080# 1055185: uh1h.p3d,"damage"] / UID: "204853295430201"" 14:26:17 "HIVE: UPDATING OBJ: [1636e080# 1055185: uh1h.p3d,"damage"] / UID: "204853295430201"" 14:26:17 "HIVE: UPDATING OBJ: [1636e080# 1055185: uh1h.p3d,"damage"] / UID: "204853295430201"" 14:26:17 "HIVE: UPDATING OBJ: [1636e080# 1055185: uh1h.p3d,"damage"] / UID: "204853295430201"" 14:26:17 "HIVE: UPDATING OBJ: [1636e080# 1055185: uh1h.p3d,"damage"] / UID: "204853295430201"" 14:26:17 "HIVE: UPDATING OBJ: [1636e080# 1055185: uh1h.p3d,"damage"] / UID: "204853295430201"" 14:26:17 "HIVE: UPDATING OBJ: [1636e080# 1055185: uh1h.p3d,"damage"] / UID: "204853295430201"" 14:26:17 "HIVE: UPDATING OBJ: [1636e080# 1055185: uh1h.p3d,"damage"] / UID: "204853295430201"" I guess the UID is the location, can someone confirm me the location of the UH1 is x=20.5 / y=120 ? (120 = 152-32) We found nothing on the coords. Or it's not 32 but 329, and 152 - 329 is negatif number, so spawned outside the map ? If we're waiting 7/10 days, will the UH1 respawn correctly ? Thx guyz in advance. Ameo
  13. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    [Solved] UH1 disappears after server was restarted

    Problem solved ! The UH1 is back to its spawning location (the island), nine days later. Thx for your support GuyZ ;)
  14. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    [Solved] UH1 disappears after server was restarted

    We found it, spawning in the sky, dropping on trees and explode with no wreck. :huh: I'll post a video later. Any suggestion ? Edit: Here's the video. http://youtu.be/uYHChDLMqYk?hd=1
  15. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    [Solved] UH1 disappears after server was restarted

    Thx for your replies guyz. PM sent Shaok. Tonight we're trying to find out if it's the same bug as the following post. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/92934-helicopter-spawn-bug/