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Everything posted by ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

  1. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DayZ Epoch FR 808 Thread

    ENGLISH VERSION Hello there, The Admin team from the FR 808 server would like to introduce you the new DayZ Epoch FR 808 server. As far as possible, there is always an admin on remote to reduce the hacking activities. Features: 50 slotsRequired Beta Build: 103718 Difficulty: RegularNo NameplateNo CrossfireTime: UTC -4Maxping: 250msTeamSpeak ServerCustom LoadoutTraders Towns Safe ZoneHelicoper Disconnect Protection (Switch Seat)Server TagAnti Hack / Anti ESPCustom WeatherCustom Zombies SpawnCustom Loots SpawnAdmin Team: StamAmeoAll players are welcomed to join us ! Don't hesitate to contact us in English or French. Web site http://fr808.enjin.com/home. Our TeamSpeak server is now available at the address: FR808.illimity.com:51158. The password is broadcasted on the server. Join us ! ______________________________________________ FRENCH VERSION Bonjour à tous ! Les admins du serveur FR 808 vous présente leur nouveau serveur DayZ Epoch FR 808. L'équipe est très active. Nous faisons en sorte qu'il y ait tjs un admin de connecté, pour pouvoir réagir vite en cas de problèmes. Features: 50 slotsVersion minimum requise: 103718Difficulté: RegularPas de crossfireTime: UTC -4Ping Max: 250msServeur TeamSpeakLoadout personnaliséVilles de Traders en Safe ZoneHelicoper Disconnect Protection (Switch Seat)Server TagAnti Hack / Anti ESPCustom MétéoCustom Zombies SpawnCustom Loots SpawnL'équipe d'admin: StamAmeoTous les joueurs sont les bienvenus. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter en francais ou en anglais. Site web: http://fr808.enjin.com/home. Notre serveur Teamspeak est maintenant disponible à l'adresse suivante: FR808.illimity.com:51158. Le mot de passe est communiqué sur le serveur. Rejoignez-nous !
  2. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DayZ Epoch FR 808 Thread

    Pendant les 2 premières semaines, vous démarrez avec un Loadout Spécial, pour bien débuter. During the first couple of weeks, you will begin with a Special Loadout, to have a good start.
  3. ENGLISH VERSION Hello there, The Admin team from the LU511 server (Vilayer) would like to introduce you the new FR 808 server (HFB).This is a Public Hive server. As far as possible, there is always an admin on remote to reduce the hacking activities. Features: 50 slotsRequired Beta Build: 103718 Difficulty: RegularNo NameplateNo CrossfireTime: UTC -4Maxping: 250msAnti-Hack Custom toolsTeamSpeak ServerAdmin Team: DJ TeschmiAmeoAll players are welcomed to join us ! Don't hesitate to contact us in English or French. Our TeamSpeak server is now available at the address: FR808.illimity.com:51158. The password is broadcasted on the server. Join us ! ______________________________________________ FRENCH VERSION Bonjour à tous ! Les anciens admins du défunt serveur LU511 vous présente leur nouveau serveur FR 808 (Hosté par HFB). Le serveur est lié au Public Hive. L'équipe est très active. Nous faisons en sorte qu'il y ait tjs un admin de connecté, pour pouvoir réagir vite en cas de problèmes. Features: 50 slotsVersion minimum requise: 103718Difficulté: RegularPas de nomPas de crossfireTime: UTC -4Ping Max: 250msAnti-Hack Outils faits maisonServeur TeamSpeakL'équipe d'admin: DJ TeschmiAmeoTous les joueurs sont les bienvenus. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter en francais ou en anglais. Notre serveur Teamspeak est maintenant disponible à l'adresse suivante: FR808.illimity.com:51158. Le mot de passe est communiqué sur le serveur. Rejoignez-nous !
  4. You're right guyz. I'm a defender of the Public Hive servers, but now less ans less players are playing on, so we had to make a decison. New topic incoming in the right section Bone ;)
  5. The server will be converted to a DayZ Epoch Server within one week. Same server, same IP, new adventures, join us for the next step of the DayZ experience.
  6. You have been unbanned. Please report back if the car is still bugged.
  7. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    FR-808 ban appeal

    You have been unbanned, good game.
  8. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    FR-808 ban appeal

    Hey Bloodeye, It seems the anti cheat bans you for teleporting, and not for walking out of the map. () I wll check if it's legit when I reach home. Keep you in touch
  9. Oz has been banned for 48h, thanks for reporting. Enjoy the server ;)
  10. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Humanity and the new journal

    Right, same thing with hero.
  11. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    Anyones HFB Server control panel not working?

    Everything's fine here. What's your status? Unknown ?
  12. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    Great Job !
  13. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    FR-808 ban appeal

    Hey Aerill, You have been unbanned, what action were you doing before get kicked ?
  14. The server has been migrated. New IP address:
  15. I doubt you have any source where Razor told to not follow the rules. We are all plug to the hive, so yes there are consequences to not respect the rules. You've not the right to whistelist your server, this is a public hive server, and everyone have to access it without restriction. If you want a whitelisted server or anything else, make a private server.
  16. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Check this and only this thread for filters guys. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/139058-battleye-server-filters-for-dayzmod-18/ No this is a regression of the filters.
  17. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    OMFG too many loots ! :P After a quick test, everything's fine now. :beans:
  18. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Rock N' Roll !
  19. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    BattlEye Server Filters for DayZ Mod 1.8.4

    Yw ;) Another one : PublicVar kick: #1 "PVDZ_objgather_Delete" = [<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>]
  20. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    That's a great news !
  21. ameo_koradi@hotmail.com

    BattlEye Server Filters for DayZ Mod 1.8.4

    For It seems legit if you can add it. SetVariable Kick: #0 "totaldmg" = 0.756827 2:23 ATV_US_EP1