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Everything posted by navx2810

  1. M.O.L.L.E. Equipment. - "MOLLE (pronounced molly, as in the female name) is an acronym for Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment. It is used to define the current generation of load-bearing equipment and rucksacksutilized by the United States armed forces, especially the United States Army, and its use is also growing in the British Army in the form of the Osprey Modular systems. The system's modularity is derived from the use of PALS webbing, rows of heavy-duty nylon stitched onto the vest as to allow for attachment of various MOLLE-compatible pouches and accessories" - WikipediaIn DayZ we have MOLLE vests and backpacks already equipped. How about the possibility of using MOLLE gear to have additional inventory opportunities. Linked after this sentence is an example of how the vest can be used to equip various pouches/packs to give more room. http://www.rap4.com/..._Down_MOLLE.jpg Some benefits are; Better customization of a players needs. Can equip additional pistol holsters on vest to carry more handguns. Can equip longarm holsters on backpack to carry additional rifles/shotguns. Can choose to have additional pouches for ammo, food, medical supplies. All depending on what the player wants. [*]Additional items added to the loot-table. All kinds of items will have to be found and added to the vest/backpack. Pouches Holsters Canister rings Grenade switches Mounted flashlight [*]Can act as a sign to other players what kind of player you are, but does not limit or suggest any type of general 'Role system'. If they have a ton of weapon holsters and round pouches; they could be hostile. If they have medical pouches; could be a medic. If they have various survival pouches; could just be a regular survivor. Other threads have suggested this; this is merely expanding on their idea's. Anyone have thoughts or idea's on this? *Added heads up; I'll link the threads with the idea's; http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/78858-chest-rigs/#entry746008 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/68364-tactical-vests-and-clothing-relating-to-inventory-space/page__hl__molle http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/57513-different-player-inventory-system/page__hl__molle http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/50557-rockets-position-on-modularized-weapons-and-modular-kit-like-webbing-molles-and-haul-packs/page__hl__molle
  2. navx2810

    zombies shoud have more realistic loot

    Don't quote me; but on the AMA (Ask me Anything) on Reddit; I'm pretty sure someone suggested this and rocket was looking into it for standalone.
  3. What you're suggesting would de-value a core feature of DayZ. That's like removing grenades in COD.
  4. navx2810

    Handcuff or rope to tie someone up

    Good in theory, but it seems more geared towards role-players. Most likely this will be used the same as wire fencing is used: griefing. Don't get me wrong, I like your idea. However, I see many people attempting to alt-F4 out of this and call the reddit rescue squad to cut them free. How about finding a way that this hinders a player, but doesn't permanently leave them unable to function for an indefinite time. Maybe bind their hands; won't be able to use weapons, but can eat/drink/use items and objects. That way players can bind a bandit's hands and set them free to ensure that they don't hurt anyone else until they get it off. I can see this starting a "Police Force" group whose main goal is to tie up bandits. Also; while binded, maybe players can drag them as well.
  5. navx2810

    [Standalone] M.O.L.L.E Vest/Backpacks

    Yep. It's really just how a player takes it at first glance. Everything's interpreted by them. Sometimes that's bad; You could have a grenade pouch and they'll assume you're a sniper. Good call. Would definitely add to a user's connection of customization with their character.
  6. M.O.L.L.E. Equipment. - "MOLLE (pronounced molly, as in the female name) is an acronym for Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment. It is used to define the current generation of load-bearing equipment and rucksacksutilized by the United States armed forces, especially the United States Army, and its use is also growing in the British Army in the form of the Osprey Modular systems. The system's modularity is derived from the use of PALS webbing, rows of heavy-duty nylon stitched onto the vest as to allow for attachment of various MOLLE-compatible pouches and accessories" - WikipediaIn DayZ we have MOLLE vests and backpacks already equipped. How about the possibility of using MOLLE gear to have additional inventory opportunities. Linked after this sentence is an example of how the vest can be used to equip various pouches/packs to give more room. http://www.rap4.com/..._Down_MOLLE.jpg Some benefits are; Better customization of a players needs. Can equip additional pistol holsters on vest to carry more handguns. Can equip longarm holsters on backpack to carry additional rifles/shotguns. Can choose to have additional pouches for ammo, food, medical supplies. All depending on what the player wants. [*]Additional items added to the loot-table. All kinds of items will have to be found and added to the vest/backpack. Pouches Holsters Canister rings Grenade switches Mounted flashlight [*]Can act as a sign to other players what kind of player you are, but does not limit or suggest any type of general 'Role system'. If they have a ton of weapon holsters and round pouches; they could be hostile. If they have medical pouches; could be a medic. If they have various survival pouches; could just be a regular survivor. Other threads have suggested this; this is merely expanding on their idea's.
  7. navx2810

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    1. Ran into a fresh group and showed them the ropes of DayZ survival and escorted them around a few high-yield spots. 2. Saw a random survivor get mauled by a fresh bandit with a hatchet. Sniped the bandit in the leg; he passed out. I ran over to them; bandaged them both, gave the survivor morphine, and drug the bandit's body to the center of town before he regained consciousness. Placed 7 pieces of cooked meat in his pack, and left him there. 3. Was watching some guys try to repair a vehicle. I came down from the hill and said I'll help. I grabbed some parts and help fix it. Didn't even ask for a ride.
  8. navx2810

    Why dont we just take a city?

    I'm always interested in these kinds of ideas. Willing to help: give me a list of things to do and it's done.
  9. navx2810

    The Nicest person ever

    Bro tip: Never accept candy from strangers. Pro tip: Never accept gear from hackers.
  10. navx2810

    Fort Friendly 2.0 - Social Experiment

    When you do; please post it on here or edit OP with the link. Thanks.
  11. navx2810

    Chernarus Militia- City build

    Will help if needed.
  12. navx2810

    Fort Friendly 2.0 - Social Experiment

    I volunteer as well. Set a list and we'll get it done.
  13. navx2810

    Fort Friendly 2.0 - Social Experiment

    also a good idea. Should have been the normal rules. That's why I thought it would be the best.
  14. navx2810

    Fort Friendly 2.0 - Social Experiment

    Can I make a suggestion. Skalisty Island? If I remember correctly, you can't walk there (without losing your bag in water.) only way in is from a boat or heli. That is major control, every so many minutes or hours, the boat (which you control) heads to shore and picks up players and ferry's them to the island which is considered their safe-haven.
  15. navx2810

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    Profile Name: Navx Player ID (Not SteamID): 50020998 Why do you wish to join the Militia: I love playing DayZ with a group of people. I enjoy helping players who actually need it (RedditRescueForce). I think it would be a great experience to join the Militia and help other's out. What can you offer the Militia: Scavenged items, potential medic. I'm pretty good and surviving on my own enough to offer players assistance when they need it. I could go out and hunt for items the Militia needs and return them to where-ever they need to go. Are you a team player: Yes. Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Yes, it's DayZ after all. It's fun to lose your gear and start over. In it for the hunt. Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: Not really; I've done some Reddit rescue tasks, but nothing enough to become a real member. Extra Information: I'm 21, and located in US-East [-4 GMT]. Thanks for your consideration.
  16. Maybe to remove the smell part. However, I have been wanting a visual representation of a player's "age/experience". I can see this becoming 'Punisher' like. For every kill (zombie or not) the skin becomes a bit worn and dyed red. That way you can tell who's fresh off the shore. I think many people like the non-bandit differentiation. The anonymity of not knowing if someone is a PK'er or not.
  17. navx2810

    Screen tear

    After playing Dayz for 10 minutes (always consistant), my screen tears and a portion (normally 2/3rds) of the right side of my screen becomes my left side. When this happens in-game, it also becomes permanent on my computer until reboot. Here's some info. I have a radeon 6950 (unlocked to a 70). Windows 7 64-bit. i7 920 ~4ghz. I have Arma 2, Arma 2 OA, Arma 2 PMC. All steam versions. Here's some pictures of what happens. http://imageshack.us.../photo1vry.jpg/ http://imageshack.us...5/photo2qd.jpg/ This does not happen when I run any Arma 2's, or any other game for that matter. I just tried a fresh install this morning.Thank you for any assistance you have.
  18. navx2810

    Screen tear

    I thought that at first; I have used two different cables. Since it happens out of game too, it does seem like a hardware issue. However; this issue can only be re-produced by playing DayZ. Which is why I was thinking of putting it here.
  19. If you go to Arma 2 OA's store page it has a note The fact Valve wrote this in surprises me. I've never seen them do this for another mod. Think that with this raise of hype and coverage on other sites (http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/08/06/dayz-surpasses-1000000-users). I wonder how long it'll take for a publisher to contact Rocket and his team for some kind of funding negotiation to make this a stand-alone game. Will Bohemia ask them too?
  20. navx2810

    Steam recognizing DayZ

    Wow; so yeah. http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/08/07/dayz-confirmed-as-standalone-game
  21. I know the Arma 2 Editor is powerful according to Google; can anyone direct me to a website on how to use the editor or a download link to find one already setup? I want to set up a shooting range along with vehicles that exist in DayZ to get a feel of how it all works. Not sure if this is too off-topic or not, but thanks.
  22. navx2810

    Arma 2 editor DayZ layout?

    Thanks guys!
  23. navx2810

    getting bored :/

    Here's some tips; Your first priority is; Hatchet, Matches, Axe, Canteen, Hunting Knfe. With this gear, you can move farther in-land and hunt animals for food, and located water sources while you slowly find other resources. If you are completely new, let me give you a quick rundown. An axe can be used as a melee weapon if you right-click it in your toolbet and equip. You can use this as a weapon to kill animals you find in the wild. When your MMB over an animal corpse, it'll give you the option to "Gut Animal" which will drop a number of "Raw Meat", select "Gear" and pick the meat up. If you are in a forest, (Game dictates whether you are or not) you can right click on your hatchet and choose "Harvest Wood"; it will give you one item of firewood, right-click on your matches to "Create Fireplace", after that you can light it by using MMB and use MMB to cook raw meat so long as it's in your main inventory, not your backpack.To fill your water bottle, be near a spout or water source (Do not use ocean) and right-click your empty water bottle in your inventory and choose "Fill". With that; you can now sustain your needs and can now focus on venturing into towns and loot-spots to find more tools, weapons, and items. To located yourself, use http://www.dayzdb.com/map to find loot-spots around you. You may need to get your bearings first, but you can do so by using topography or by finding a town/city and finding the name of the town/city and locate yourself on the map. If you have a group of zombies on you, run into structures with at least two entrances (or docks). Run in, then out. Break LOS of zombies will cause them to forget about you if you stay low after leaving, repeat if necessary. Eating cooked meat will regain blood back. It is possible to heal yourself fully if you eat enough cooked meat. If you see zombies near a structure, there's high chance it contains loot. If you notice none nearby a loot-spot, then there's probably nothing there. City area's have high chances of player encouters; if you want to stay alive, look for less populated loot spots and navigate around them. Stay as little as possible in city's. Tree stands contain military loot too.
  24. navx2810

    Shopping carts!

    I saw a De-Motivational poster on the forums and realized; shopping carts would be a great and easy-finding 'vehicle' to store stuff in. Here's some points: Easy to find. Easy to repair (if needed) More storage space than one medium backpack, but less than a tent. Makes less noise than a bicycle. (up for debate). The negatives; Slow moving on terrain. Can break easily. Simply put, carts can be a portable storage unit. Not the best choice, but a good alternative for fresh survivors. Could be hidden nearby a loot spot, player would have to go and retrieve the loot and place it inside, rather than strolling with the cart up to the spot and moving on. Since carts will be easy to repair, it's only right that they can be easily broken. Anyone have any opinions on this? Edit: This has already been suggested: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/41875-shopping-carts/page__hl__cart
  25. navx2810

    Matches & knives are too rare.

    Yes. I believe this should be the way too.