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About Supershutze

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    On the Coast
  1. The benefit is: I don't shoot you on sight. Many other players also shoot bandits on sight.
  2. Supershutze

    Wood in the Woods

    I didn't consider limiting matches over limiting firewood. I'm changing my vote and aiming it at this suggestion. This would solve the need for firewood' date=' and those complaining fire doesn't last long enough. They could keep they're fire going as long as they had matches to keep it going. [/quote'] It would probably be easier(not to mention more realistic) to make a fire burn indefinitely until someone puts it out or leaves the area for long enough. After all, it's not like you need matches to keep a fire going: Simply adding more wood does that(you don't even need any special tools for that, as there is an enormous amout of deadfall and undergrowth in any decent forest). You only need matches(or a lighter) to start the fire in the first place. I was also thinking the same thing as the OP earlier today: "If my character freezes to death because he can't find any wood while wandering through a FOREST, he probably deserves to die anyway"
  3. After having been chased for 6km by a pair of zombies because I was out of ammo(found a corpse at the end of those 6km, with 6 clips of ammo and a map on him:D), I think there should ether be a Melee attack(probably in the works, this mod is an alpha after all), or a max chase distance for zombies, especially the slower ones. I was chased by a hopper that I managed to outrun into a forest about a km away, and sat there for about 2 minutes, and sure enough, the zombie is still following me, even though he lost LOS for about 2 minutes.(I shot him, but didn't want to waste the ammo) If possible, I think zombies should follow to your last known location, and then if unable to reaquire you, they should resume wandering. at the moment they seem to be omniscient hunter-killer drones once they have detected you. Maybe with the addition of melee attacks you could incorporate some sort of "sneak attack" where you can kill a zombie at close range quietly.
  4. Supershutze

    share your bandit killing stories!

    Just started playing, spawned at night with a corpse 10 feet from me, and about 10 minutes later had put 6 makarov rounds into the torso of a bandit who tried to ambush me.(turn mouse smoothing off, allows for much finer aim)
  5. Supershutze

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi I'm Supershutze, and after finally getting this game working(took 5 days of trial and error) I spawned on the coast in the middle of night, right next to a dead body(sadly looted already), and then 10 minutes later killed my first bandit.(recognised the headwear in his silhouette, and then my muzzle flash confirmed it) Turns out I'm a decent shot. 6 Makarov rounds to the torso and down he goes.(quite a lot of food and medicine, but no ammo, sadly) Saw some flares on the coast(300m away), but no people other than the dead guy and the (now deceased) bandit:D.