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Everything posted by SilverWeed

  1. +1 to more difficult encounters.
  2. SilverWeed

    [Vid] nighttime at day Z

    I like the clip from 2:47-2:55. Good job!
  3. SilverWeed

    [Video] NW Airfield Extraction Fail

    PvV ya?
  4. SilverWeed

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Have there been any updates from Rocket on this being fixed? The loot hopping is just as frustrating and I'm worried the fixes for these won't be combined.
  5. SilverWeed

    [Video] Lock Your Cars

    Hello! My friend recently began playing DayZ last week for the first time. This video is of him a few days ago starting his ~4th life: no guns, no food, no nothin'. Beware! http://www.twitch.tv/jeffonious/b/322627063
  6. The game shouldn't allow players to butcher their graphics settings to negate the challenges posed by the game's design, but in this case it seems unavoidable. It makes DayZ generally look like crap once you start fiddling with gamma etc, and you'd do better to spend your efforts finding a day time server than switching gfx settings back and forth between night and day. It's hard enough to see anything at <5k blood during the day anyway... Until NVG's are given at spawn or it is brightened nearly to the point of being day time - in essence they achieve the same result - night time DayZ will remain a novelty. To each his own.
  7. I disagree with the title of this thread entirely. Lack of a starting weapon makes you respect the infected even more - whether you are sprinting from a train through town in hopes of reaching a hospital or on your belly trying to sneak into a suburban shack, you aren't going to let them touch you after they score that first critical hit. The infected AI is a WIP, that is clearly stated all over this forum. However, the morphine vs. broken bone situation has made for very desperate times to new spawns. People say you can run inland and survive, but I genuinely believe that is total BS for a lone wolf that spawns anywhere in the Southwest in the current game. Your chances are no better than throwing caution to the wind and legging it through the towns.
  8. SilverWeed

    Broken leg? No morphine? Very good

    I was thinking the same thing, could give wood piles a second purpose. I'd rather not be forced to walk slower though, I'd rather be forced to crouch since it's slower than running but doesn't triple your travel time. Not super realistic (crouching is harder than walking IRL of course), but at least you wouldn't be running with a broken leg... Maybe morphine could then be used to enable running again?
  9. SilverWeed

    Broken leg? No morphine? Very good

    I get broken legs more often than critical wounds right now, but there are way more bandages in nearly every city versus the very rare morphine injectors. How does morphine fix bones again? Do you inject it directly into the bone? I crawled with a broken leg and ~100 blood for about 45 minutes last night to meet a friend who just started playing DayZ. We met up despite the amazing odds against us - he spawned in Cherno, I broke my leg in Gorka. I passed out a dozen times on the way. He didn't have morphine so took my Lee into nearby Ctapoe to scavenge in hopes another player might be around carrying, worst case I would just give him my loot and respawn. But all he got was a broken leg from random aggro in the town. We both died to infected. So it goes...
  10. You can usually find a hatchet in little crap buildings without having to aggro infected. It's finding morphine that makes it really hard to avoid the hospitals in the coastal cities after spawning, morphine is a must these days with the random leg breaks from infected.
  11. Agree with 1 & 2 no problem. I like 3rd person, and if everyone has it I don't see how this really breaks the survivalist theme. It's a trade between awareness and accuracy as I see it.
  12. SilverWeed

    Barren Map Bug

    Is there a sticky about this yet? Seems to affect just about anyone who isn't using Six Launcher, the mandatory use of which I find a bit unprofessional even for a mod...
  13. @Scorp Agreed. The efforts to make the game more challenging by removing spawn items combined with incomplete AI of the infected have turned all attention to PvP. Being shot and killed by another player because I made a mistake is fine, but rewarding careless players mowing through cities with AK's seems to work against the idea of hardcore survival. The current state of the mod reminds me of a very popular shooter I used to play... Here's to more quick iteration by team Rocket!
  14. Infected were a threat a few weeks ago when there was 2x-3x the population even in the smallest towns, they would respawn instantly after death, and had wall hacks for any human who thought they were safe in a building. Oh and they would almost never give up chasing you. Firing at another player in a town had much more serious ramifications since looting the corpse of who you shot was about as likely as you dying to the infected you would aggro. Now you just run past the infected with your focus dedicated solely to finding/avoiding other players.
  15. SilverWeed

    Spawned in Debug Forest

    I recently encountered this. There are several threads about it, but what I did was basically run East/SE for about 20 minutes. Locate a server that has the GMT time listed in the name to find somewhere that is set to the morning or evening and use the sun for direction. I was able to return to civilization, though I swapped servers a few times along the way so you might have to experiment.
  16. SilverWeed

    Am I just incredibly unlucky?

    It's often the case that someone used that building to de-aggro zombies by running through it in the larger towns. I don't see nearly as many indoors in the inland towns.
  17. SilverWeed

    For the "respawners"

    I did a ton of respawning last night to meet up with a friend who just started playing the game. It took us 10 minutes to get remotely close to each other (he having no idea where he was the entire time). It definitely felt like it could be the source of many server problems and I assume directly impacts the lifespan statistics etc. I'd like to see respawning have less incentives, but it would be necessary to have at least regional spawn selections so you can start on the same area of the coast. Even that doesn't ensure you'll meet because of the major towns along the way, but at least you won't die 10 times without even a weapon so you can meet up and then die ~30 minutes later.
  18. SilverWeed

    Quit quit quit...

    To anyone who says that DC's aren't a major problem I happily disagree. It undermines the very fabric of the survivalist gameplay. It turns the game into even more of a PvP-only environment because no one is afraid to take any risks regardless of their loot because they have an infinite stack of get-out-of-jail-free cards. DC's allow people to de-aggro infected, avoid certain death, server hop to get behind other players and so on. If DC's are to stay in the mod as a core component of gameplay (which it definitely is), I would suggest re-branding the mod's genre to "Multi-Dimensional Hardcore Deathmatch". That's how other successful players behave, why deny yourself the same advantage?
  19. I started to install this last night but it looked to have a bunch of misc. software required for the installation. Is this the case and if so is all of it required? Just trying to avoid junking up my PC. Looks like a great tool otherwise.
  20. Are people who quit playing but are still alive counted towards life expectancy or is it only tracking at the moment people die? I know I stopped playing about a week ago with a character that was alive for maybe 6 hours, if that isn't being counted as dead at 6 hours until I log on again that might be part of the problem considering the jump in unique players recently?
  21. Couple of points I'd make to keep things in perspective: 1) Good mods usually have a fairly long evolution, with both highs and lows. Try to focus on the things you like through good and bad, and hope that your contribution in the forums and in the game will reward you with an experience you will enjoy for years to come. 2) Very few mods get the attention shortly after launch that DayZ has gotten, which forces Rocket and co. to focus on polishing the existing content more than creating new content or working out meta issues and undesirable emergent behaviors. Anyone can find a reason to stop playing out of frustration in the alpha stage of a mod, and that's not even considering the frustration someone has with a published legit hardcore game (Arma, Dark Souls, etc). You get what you pay for, you bought Arma 2 to play a hardcore mod in Alpha stage. You're going to need real patience to play DayZ consistently at this stage, and maybe for the duration of its existence.
  22. SilverWeed

    Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

    Anyone can be a survivor or a bandit from moment to moment. I do like the idea of having more tells as to another player's condition, like the coughing from an infection. Would be nice if dehydrated or hungry players gave clues as to their condition. If someone asked for a transfusion but you could visibly see they have a lot more problems than just loss of blood, you can probably deduce they are after your beans and more.
  23. Must be coincidence, I only found junk when playing on Veteran in the past, and when I play on Regular there seem to be weapons in every building and beans aplenty. Guess I need to figure what the difference is then, if any.