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HerrNilson (DayZ)

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About HerrNilson (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. HerrNilson (DayZ)

    DayZ mod forum & tapatalk

    Hi I can see the forum when I search for DayZ with the Tapatalk app but it won't let me access the forum for some reason. The color scheme used on the web page version is a total bitch unless your checking the place out in a dim or pitch black room. Any chance of flicking the switch to let us access the discussion boards through that? Cheers Apologies if there is a thread here already... I literally cannot read the forum because the sun is up.
  2. HerrNilson (DayZ)

    What do we call our undead friends?

    Yes I do and you would too if you even bothered reading the synopsis for the game. And where does it say in that "the infected are not possessed"?
  3. HerrNilson (DayZ)

    What do we call our undead friends?

    These are undead infected' date=' not possessed people taken over by spirits.....[/quote'] Deadites. Also you don't know if they are possessed or not.
  4. HerrNilson (DayZ)

    What do we call our undead friends?

    Err if anyone is calling them anything other than Deadites you either to young or completely uncultured.
  5. HerrNilson (DayZ)

    The One, The Only: I HATE TEMP THREAD

    Hi, Been playing for a little while now and really enjoyed the game. I think it is awesome that I've been having the most fun at my pc in a long long time with a simple and well implemented game that lets the player decide for the most part how they want to engage with the game. Excellent work! However with the recent patch it just isn't as fun. Temperature levels drop way to quickly in nearly all conditions, I'm running in open ground on a sunny day with no wind, temperature drops. It's raining so I get inside, temperature drops. It has essentially removed the ability to stalk stealthily through the woods to a remote village, explore and weigh up the risks and benefits of entering that village for supplies. Now you must because by the time you get to the next village ou won't be able to aim. Before the patch this was happening to an extent with water/drinks but I feel that he balance was really good there as it added a perfect level of tension and pressure. With he temp and sickness it is currently too much. I can't go explore the NW area because I will freeze, so I'm forced into the coast and town areas. I've adapted my play style as a result, I can survive at the moment but I'm playing recklessly, the odds are so heavily stacked against me now that frankly I don't care if I live or die. I run into the big city alone and raid, showing little caution, because the game mechanic punishes patience. Thinking how I would react in a real zombie apocalypse it was closer to a reality situation before the temp thing. Saying this though, I like the idea of infection and cure. Gettin infected by a zombie is a cool idea because it rewards the more cautious, those that sneak or engage successfully with zombies, and punishes those that have enough ammo and bandages not to care how close the zombies get. Perhaps your temperature could just drop if you got infected, it could be a symptom of the infection? Fire and warmth could help stave of the infection but not cure it, for that you need the antibiotic?