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Everything posted by HcBliX

  1. HcBliX

    Looking for a group

    Hi, Looking for something more casual (or serious perhaps?), then check out our community, international Synod of Gaming! Teamspeak: Steam Group: http://steamcommunit...ps/iSGCommunity We require an application form to be filled to get member access, straight link HERE
  2. HcBliX

    Group or anyone to play with

    Hi, Looking for something more casual (or serious perhaps?), then check out our community, international Synod of Gaming! Teamspeak: Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/iSGCommunity We require an application form to be filled to get member access, straight link HERE
  3. HcBliX

    Looking for Group/clan (I'm 17)

    Hi, If you're looking for something more casual (we can get serious if wanted/needed as well :)), check out our community, international Synod of Gaming! Teamspeak: Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/iSGCommunity We require an application form to be filled to get member access, straight link HERE