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About HcBliX

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  1. international Synod of Gaming "The Community That Connects!" Looking for mature, or mature behaving players, to join us in our DayZ Overpoch adventure! Currently playing in: AmongTheDead Overpoch Lingor server (GameTracker) We DO NOT require you to be part of the community in order to play with us! Visit our Teamspeak server (below) for more details. About Us international Synod of Gaming, or shortly known as iSG, is a global multi-gaming community formed in 2012. We aim to deliver a safe, easy going environment for gamers around the world, while providing quality VoIP services and gaming servers on the side. All this is managed by our competent, dedicated community staff groups. Our community is open minded, and we're constantly looking for talented people for administration, media producing, scripting/coding etc. For more information, visit our (temporary) website @ www.isgcommunity.net international Synod of Gaming @Steam »iSG« TEAMSPEAK 3 SERVER »iSG« DAYZ OVERPOCH SERVER
  2. No, not currently, but that might be something we could look into and see if we can implement it. Currently our mission system + the overwatch loot gives enough of profit as it is, need to find a balance in all that.
  3. WEEKLY SERVER NEWS: Fast building added (1 step item placing)Walking Dead Zombies added (slower but more stronger "Walkers")Perks for Donators added (for example, spawn point for your own base)Halo Jump addedMission system improvedServer optimization, stability improved