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Everything posted by Conkykillz

  1. Conkykillz

    It's a Bullshit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Try Non Vanilla
  2. Conkykillz

    Side Chat ?, the game feels like a ghost town.

    Did have some Fun times in the Mod, with text I rode a pushy from Kamenka to Electro once, with the whole server shooting at me and my big loud Bell Ding Ding. I died and someone told me they buried me with my bike lol. But yeah I can see you're point
  3. Conkykillz

    Side Chat ?, the game feels like a ghost town.

    Side Chat Yes, but not Voice that shit use to drive me CRAZY, pre pubescent teens covered in Acne wanting to Fuck my mum Nooooo Thanks
  4. Conkykillz

    Why I Kill on Sight

    Cooooooool Vid Rags, in the Mod days I use to head to the PvP Servers and take all my aggression out there. But this is the Very Essence of this game, is that thrill of knowing you can be DEAD at any second, and personally I would rather be KOS rather than the whole Backstabbing kill you when your not looking type. We all know we need people who KOS otherwise the game would be pretty normal, Plus I love to Hunt people that KOS, nothing like heading back for a bit of Revenge. That's what makes my DayZ
  5. Conkykillz

    Please delete this account

    Ok Deleted
  6. Conkykillz

    When DayZ going to have good performance?

    Tetris is always good.....
  7. Somehow i don't think this is the game for you....... Mr Girly Pants
  8. Conkykillz

    DayZ Battleye ban

    That's A Paddlin........... Beat it you P.O.S
  9. Conkykillz


    MMM taste the Musty Rainbow
  10. Conkykillz

    Dating a Zombie

    Sorry but it was me in a wig Mwaaaaahhh Big boy
  11. Conkykillz

    Resenting DayZ

    If you are not enjoying it, have a break don't burn yourself out in the Alpha.
  12. Conkykillz

    Loosing my character.

    Just reset it for you now, you should be good to go. I gave you a better back pack too enjoy
  13. Have you Ever herd of um ................. ARMA 3
  14. Conkykillz

    You think you seen good sniping? You haven't seen nothing yet!

    Fight, Fight, Fight
  15. Conkykillz

    What are U doing? 0.55?

    Ok everyone move along, nothing to see here but ANOTHER Shit Post
  16. Conkykillz

    Does anyone want to donate an m4 to me:)?

    i will donate about half a dozen rounds to the chest and head :P
  17. Conkykillz

    Ingame voice changer

    Please Don't morph your Voice, unless you are like 12 that is the only excuse
  18. Conkykillz

    Bullshit end to humble beginnings... :'(

    Let's round up a Posse boys
  19. Just Deal with it
  20. Conkykillz

    "Friendly" Players who KOS behind your back.

    Never Trust anyone, especially a Squeaker.
  21. I like your dog does he have a pilot licence, if so how much do you charge to go flying. If not are they for a motorbike, because i would love to race him, i am pretty good and can go faster down steep hills as i do not scare easily and have a steady sense of balance. One time when i raced another kid in 4th grade we raced down this hill it was really steep. And everyone at school warned us not to but i live on the Edge, anyway i won the other kid stacked it and was taken to hospital where they pronounced him dead. Could you please send me a pic of your dog possibly in the pilot seat, or on the motorbike as i find that shit really funny.
  22. Conkykillz

    When you are in a BAD mood!

    LOLZ, good stuff, leave him their to Rot
  23. Conkykillz

    DayZ poem

    It Seems to me you lived your life, like a candle in the wind
  24. Conkykillz

    Child Briefcase

    And a Apple