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Everything posted by mgill0600

  1. just leave your game on while you go to work or sleep, die from exposure eventually, I've had to do this before.
  2. mgill0600

    Where on earth are the vehicles?

    This is why I play on a private hive. The server I play on has active admins who do regular maintenance on the server to make sure things like vehicles driven into the water or boats on land respawn properly so players can use them. They also are quick to ban script-kiddies. Link to forum post where I play if you want to check it out. It's Lingor island map but for gameplay I tend to prefer that map to Chernaus: CrewGaming: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93325-crewgaming-private-hive-lingor-server/
  3. mgill0600

    Favorite DayZ map?

    This, you have my beans sir.
  4. Bump for a great server and admins. Active admins who don't cheat and ban script kiddies quick. Super quick load times. Regularly scheduled restarts with 10 minute automated warnings so you have plenty of time to get your chopper safe. Oh, and dat side channel! Check it out, best Lingor server I've been on.