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Navy F.E.E.L's

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About Navy F.E.E.L's

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Navy F.E.E.L's

    Navy F.E.E.L's Clan recruiting active players!

    We also have a base and home server (private hive).
  2. Navy F.E.E.L's

    Navy F.E.E.L's Clan recruiting active players!

    We are still recruiting.
  3. Your server just went down for our clan. Could you add me on steam so we can talk about server restarts? Steam: DolphinsAndWhales
  4. We are a clan looking for active players in the new DayZ map "Takistan". Navy F.E.E.L's is a serious/Tactical DayZ clan based on DayZ Takistan.We have a soft side of the clan which are friendly and do little to no combat.Besides the soft side of our clan we do ops, camping towns, gathering weapons, collecting vehicles and supplies. Our mind is not set to protect others, but to protect ourselves. If you can not take being yelled at and reason for the problems you make then do not expect to go far in this clan. We have a mumble server to talk on, also. To contact us, add DolphinsAndWhales or Mr. Trouselbarf on Steam.