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Everything posted by okiimatsu

  1. okiimatsu

    So is DayZ 58% done?

    Complete or not, it was more fun. The early days were gold. Of what's to come the remaining fanatics mostly share wet dreams and allegorically compare notes on how to tie their shoelaces.
  2. okiimatsu

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    I'm in.
  3. okiimatsu

    Exploring an abandoned child's camp in Chernarus

    Seems you ran into your typical Dayz Steam Forum user.
  4. okiimatsu

    Trading Post

    Hello, I have about 250 rounds of 5.56. All I really need are SKS clips. Willing to let the ammo go anyway as I need the space. Thanks! -Nevermind. Bought the farm.
  5. okiimatsu

    Locked Doors System

    Of course you could blow the door with a grenade, or a craftable fuel cannister bomb. But in doing so, devise the mechanic so that any objects within a determined radius may take a random amount of damage.
  6. okiimatsu

    Lighting Fires in Fireplaces inside homes.

    It's a good idea, and has been on the steam suggestion forum for well over a year. I'm hopeful it will be implemented.
  7. okiimatsu

    So yeah, about that new Alcatraz island............

    Swam to the island. Had full health, and no matches for a fire later to warm up. Did'nt matter as I dried off while running around. Found nothing but handcuffs and fishhooks. The island and its buildings were done up nice, except for the fact that it was so laggy I thought my eyes were gonna start bleeding.
  8. okiimatsu

    Character wipe?

    Hopefully they'll add some toilet paper so I can finally wipe my ass with this game.
  9. okiimatsu

    Is it time to come back?

    Bowed out three weeks ago after 650 hours. Don't even miss it. Logged in here out of curiosity. Not much new. Same problems, hangups. Same old brown nosers (see above).
  10. okiimatsu

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Well it's sunny in Singapore for me. The server was crashed mostly yesterday, but I made it out of spawn hell just before. Came off a session a few minutes ago where I'm living fat in the west, where it's wide open lootville. Got a repeater with ammo, (prefer the mods winchester), range finder, (doesn't work. maybe a battery?), and fully geared. Haven't seen a crash site.
  11. okiimatsu

    Anyone excited for the .357 Lever action?

    I found the repeater in exp and tested. The Winchester in the mod has a nicer feel. Too bad.
  12. okiimatsu

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Sure you have to be leery about your supplies. Keep them and yourself well maintained and you'll have little difficulties. No more 'mad dogging' it across the map without a worry about food and water. Overcoming this threshold on a fresh spawn is a bitch, and should provide more incentive to stay alive. However they tinker with the stamina system, this is the way forward.
  13. okiimatsu

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    This may be the diet and exercise patch. Took three attempts to stay alive and make it west where it's wide open. I'm now fully geared with all health monitors in the bright green, plenty of food. Your movements and food/water consumption have to be seriously paced down and equally moderated to reach a healthy state. It takes time and you cannot over imbibe, or you may starve to death while being stuffed. Once you're in the green, it's easy to maintain.
  14. With a little bit of skill you can 'home run' a zed with any axe on the first swing.
  15. okiimatsu

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    No problems here gearing up in Asia experimental, rofl.
  16. okiimatsu

    does anyone find the crossbow underpowered

    Need flaming arrows. is this the only zombie experience in the history of the genre that doesn't allow the use of fire? i can think of some crafty booby traps utilizing those portable gaz cannisters too.
  17. Shhhhhh! Don't wake em' up. They're resting on their laurels. It upsets people. Actually, this Playstation deal is a good wake up call.
  18. okiimatsu

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Yes. Came upon one at Balota.
  19. okiimatsu

    does anyone really fish?

    A bad day of fishing is better than a good day of work, except in DAYZ. Now if i could depth charge their asses with a nade... But i don't like offering suggestions to Bunghole Interactive as we know how futile that is.
  20. okiimatsu

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    You're welcome to have mine. Currently I don't have ammo for it, and am just not interested. Happy with my trusted Mosin. PM me if you wish. If you're not interested i'll give it to someone else.
  21. okiimatsu

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    ya i just found this gun. don't have any ammo to fire it up for a test.
  22. I'm starting to believe that Nintendos Duck Hunt has better ballistics than this game.
  23. okiimatsu

    Downside to ruined clothes

    Items stored in your ruined clothes/backpack can then be ruined in a flash by any sort of received damage. better to keep upgrading your worn items to pristine. if your shoes are in a ruined state, the chances of breaking your leg increase big time.