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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. This was an idea that popped in my head while playing and I thought it would be cool that if your humanity dropped to a certain point you would here gunshots at random that weren't there and the lower humanity the louder the gunshots and maybe even hallucinations of zombies or loot that wasn't there that would be a great deterrent to being a bandit.
  2. No it won't you couldn't even run rock watcher 2012 on that. Nah I'm just kidding but get more ram unless you are using 32bit windows.
  3. If you could do that I'm pretty sure that would cause a black hole.
  4. You know what they say keep your friends close but your items closer be careful with all those vehicles scripters would love to get a hold of them.
  5. DayZ is strictly survival and doing what you must to survive whether it be killing other players crawling to avoid zombies or anything else and sometimes the consequences could lead to a deathmatch scenario but otherwise what you are watching now will never change; you just adjust to the environment you are put in and that is what makes this mod fun it isn't stagnant and repetitive so don't be scared off by a few firefights because I rarely ever get thrown into one.
  6. So this is how I got banned the server recently restarted and I was in this weird lobby that I have never seen before it had all these actions like vote kick and whatnot so I saw one button that said Vote Admin so I voted my self admin just as a joke I meant no harm to the server at all my. My friends and I have been playing on that server for a while and this is really the only server that I can actually enjoy since I get home from work late at night and its really nice to know that it is daytime when I hop on. So, please for the love of beans un-ban me I will be a good little zombie killer I promise. :(
  7. Well I sent the admin an email and he said he would get back to me and that was at 2 P.M. EST and its 12 A.M. so...
  8. You're all falling into a trap but go ahead don't listen to me.
  9. http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ It appears that the sever is owned by no one unless "The Infected" is the only owner/admin.
  10. I would like to know who it is or if they have a website so I could get this sorted out. I mean voting yourself admin with the intent of doing harm is a justifiable ban but I really meant no harm.
  11. And I keep getting kicked so much for this new patch thanks BIS.
  12. Since there has been more and more pvp in-game body armor would be a great addition making users more resilient to bullets and making the shooter think twice before capping a victim because the would just waist there bullets. Just a suggestion. Post below if you like the idea. Thanks for reading! :D
  13. You do know that you can have your server removed for doing that right?
  14. Recently the servers I have been on said Person1 was killed by Person2 (Friendly Fire) so maybe if all servers are forced to do that it would help with the bandit problem.
  15. It would be too hard to script all of the actions from PC to Xbox so no just keep it where it is.
  16. So I am guessing at some point the T-Shirts for DayZ will be released at some point and this one of the ideas I thought of it would be a shirt saying "Coastaphobia" which I got the idea from my friend who fears the coast since bandits kill around there. So basically it would have the word "Coastaphobia" on a sign with a picture of the coast behind it. Post any other Ideas here and I apologize to the moderators for putting it in the wrong forum. I'm not good with photoshop so sorry I couldn't throw a picture together for you guys so use your imagination.
  17. I think Matt Lightfoot is working on the official DayZ shirts but if you beat him to it that would be funny.
  18. what about shoot for the legs... there is nothing more satisfying then your attacker getting eaten by some infected.
  19. I have a question that none of the devs can answer... What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? P.S. European and African