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Everything posted by matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

  1. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    Riot Shields a possiblity?

    It would probably have to spawn in downed helicopters otherwise its an interesting concept. +1
  2. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    Body Inspection With Degredation

    This is a great idea you basically covered all the possible ways to die in this game, besides getting mowed down by a helicopter. +1 (for making a rarely used game mechanic more exciting)
  3. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    Suggestion - Ghosts

    Sorry but I don't think anything paranormal would be put in the game. This suggestion is a flop.
  4. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    Save Zone

    There is one major goal of DayZ survive at all cost the person who is the most decked out in the end wins whether its against zombies or survivors.
  5. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    Simple way to discourage banditry

    This is supposed to be realistic just because you shoot someone doesn't make you more noticeable in any way shape or form besides the zombies hearing the shot. Sorry but I don't like the idea.
  6. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    A Karma system to prevent extreme PvP

    You killed a person theirs your karma no perks no nothing your reward is survival no magical forces making you gain less blood or get more that's just ridiculous.
  7. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    "Hey, I know you!"

  8. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    New item: Blindfold. Does what you think it does.

    This makes absolutely no feasible sense as to why you would want this a bandit is just gonna shoot the person rather than make them walk blindly through the woods.
  9. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    Digging wells

    Hmmmm I think it would be easier to just find a coke but if you are in the woods this is kinda necessary so I'm not sure what to think. No vote at the moment maybe after I take in the idea.
  10. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    Let us choose where to respawn...

    I believe random spawning is more immersive so my vote is a no sorry but it just wouldn't fit the feel of the game.
  11. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    Suggestion Brainstorm

    Body armor; I already have a thread for it.
  12. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    "Hey, I know you!"

    I think the only reason why people aren't reading this is because its too long or the title is unappealing because this deserves recognition and if it doesn't receive more views or replies I'm gonna bump the hell out of this thread.
  13. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    How to make more Epic PvP Moments

    Yes to more Epic pvp no to more frequent pvp.
  14. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    "Hey, I know you!"

    This is by far one of the most in-depth suggestion I have read and the best part is that I think this is more than possible to be implemented in the game. Five stars +1 and an extra +1 for the story aspect good job comrade.
  15. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    Remove or Alter Tent Flattening

    Ha I don't stay alive long enough to use a tent.
  16. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    Rain - Real Effects

    I have never once felt the need to use a heat pack maybe this would change my mind.
  17. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    Electric and Natural lighting's V 4.0

    This would be a very demanding task therefor it is a good task that requires teamwork; getting the lights back on would benefit everyone and that is a reward in itself.
  18. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    READ: Lets get these Lighthouses up and running

    This would definitely help keep the servers alive at night. +1 (and a potato for being a genius)
  19. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    Non-enterable Houses

    Yes. +1
  20. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    Body Armor

    I like the different levels of the armor and depending on the armors level should correspond with its rarity and spawning locations.
  21. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    Game too easy.

    Personally I think the game is difficult the way it is now with zombies being more perceptive of their surroundings so group me up with the "casuals" but I'm content with its current status. So no vote from me sorry.
  22. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    A few ideas that might be good for this game.

    Yes to the zombies not scrambling toward the sounds of gunshots and yes to everything else. +1
  23. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    Mid-Infected walkers

    This would truly make the game more scary and it would be great to see more types of infected so hear is a little vote for you. +1 P.S. You might get yelled at for bumping your thread so try not to do that let it get the popularity the form users thinks it deserves.
  24. matt.gilmurray@gmail.com

    Female zombies.

    Wow now that you brought this up I never realized there were only male zombies I need to pay more attention to my surroundings.
  25. Essentially this will make giving items to other players easier where there might be a trading tab when scrolled over a player and when clicked a trading screen will pop up hopefully this will reduce the urge to shoot someone for some beans when they could trade some ammo or a tool kit for it. P.S. This is still a weak idea and is lacking a core purpose to why it should be implemented so suggestions for this idea would be great. Thanks for reading! :D