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Vendor (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Vendor (DayZ)

  1. Me and my friend are looking for 1 maybe 2 people to roll with us. We are bandits, we like a challenge. We enjoy being outnumbered and outgunned (sometimes). We don't kill fresh spawns unless we have to. We don't mind running across the map if we want to go somewhere. We don't complain, we don't rage. If you're like minded and can handle east coast pings, message me on steam. 


    We use mumble only. High audio codecs and the lowest delay of all voips.


    Steam: vendor101



  2. Me and my friend are looking to add 1.




    and we use mumble. Have a bunch of mumbles, admin on most.

    Prefer not to use skype due to ease of IP sniffing and we dont't like ts3's delay and low audio codecs.


    Also, most importantly, we're bandits. We don't kill fresh spawns and what not. We like a challenge. 


    Add me on steam if you want to group and see if we get along. I'll pm you my steam name
