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Everything posted by ash712

  1. ash712


    That's a terrible idea that would be exploited! I ask this again in yet another thread : Why do some of you feel you should get a FREE game? Most of the time it's coming from the mouths of people who purchased ArmA 2 etc. just for this *FREE* mod! Now think they should get a FREE game because most choose NOT to play/enjoy the two FULL games they purchased? ^I just don't understand the majorly flawed logic... :huh:
  2. ash712

    DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

    Some of you can't be happy for Rocket it seems? This is a really big accomplishment for DayZ, and a MAJOR WIN for modders (like myself) and gamers! So why is it some of you feel so entitled? Why do some of you complain about the FACT that you purchased two entire games for a mod, but do NOT play the games you paid for? Some of you are just plain ridiculous! Seriously... <_<
  3. ash712


    I'm looking VERY forward to this "Stand Alone" DayZ... I only hope that it is being developed on the ArmA 3 engine though...(Real Virtuality 4) I'm a HUGE ArmA 2 fan, but lets face it that engine is outdated and this is my ONLY possible concern. Rocket has done a wonderful thing for gamers/modders EVERYWHERE by bringing this vision to the light of day(Z)! Needless to say he and the "Team" have my FULL support as a gamer/modder without a doubt! (BTW: screw that War Z game lol!) So all I can say now is..."SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!"...where do I pre-order guys? :D
  4. ^Wow...porn bot...that's a first to my knowledge here lol! :lol: *Mods...get on it ASAP hehehe!
  5. ash712

    Ready to join a clan or group

    We have a DayZ group that's pretty big, so there's always people grouping almost 24-7! *We have our own DayZ Server *We have our own Teamspeak http://grimmeu.com/ Please excuse the thrown together website...we are working on our real one ;)
  6. Me and a friend were at the NW Airbase in a hangar when a "Mystery Maniac" showed up running down/shooting up zombies and then gave us his SUV! Here's the video (I started recording a few min after he appeared) : Thanx...whoever you are! B)
  7. ash712

    M4A1 or M16A2

    BOTH, as you know how to shoot! lol! The M16's have a longer barrel, so its got a little more range than the M4's, but I'm not sure that matters in "Vanilla" ArmA 2 / DayZ? With ACE I think it actually matters though...? I could be wrong, but either way I still prefer the M4's lol! EDIT: WOW the thread was empty when I went to reply, but after I posted many others have...so now it's rehash info :(
  8. ash712

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Thank you Rocket! *The zombies seing/attacking through walls etc. was the biggest issue above all else! Glad to see that's getting fixed!:P Any word on when the ArmA 2 "Beta" patch will be finalized though? I'm not fond of "Beta" patches lol!
  9. ash712

    Major Update Pending: 1.7.0

    YES. You paid NOTHING for this mod! Its FREE! ...DERP! It's nobody's fault but your own IF YOU choose to buy a retail game (ArmA 2 : CO) and decide to only play mods for it. How about complaining to someone who cares, or go play ArmA 2/AO? (since you spent $20-30 on it) Rocket and the "Team" (of volunteers) don't see a dime for their hard work on this mod! So they are supposed to take time off from their jobs to work for FREE on this because it became popular on accident? Let's not forget that this mod gets updated more than AAA game "Beta's" from major studios. It's an "Alpha" mod, not game. Nobody promised you anything would work fully, or makes you play. Get over it.
  10. ash712

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Just because you don't experience an issue doesn't mean it's not so... That's what the forums/repoting issues is about man, so quit arguing with me plx. You are just detracting from the issue to post your non-sense opinion...aka pointless man. Me and 20+ people on my gaming clan have been experiencing these "issues" across multiple servers. I'll post a video if I could log into a server today (can't get into a single server yet) :P
  11. ash712

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    *Latest patch made Zombie "Clipping" worse! Zombies not only see/hear you while in buildings... They "Teleport" and "Clip" into buildings, through floors, walls, doors, and rooftops! They can also attack you through all the above now as well :( **Can you PLEASE FIX this terrible issue in the next patch Rocket? It's REALLY ruining the game more than any other issues! Other than that I'm amazed and impressed at the work you and the team are doing! KEEP IT UP! :D
  12. ash712

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    This patch was good Rocket...keep it up!:D GOOD SIDE: Performance improved by like %50! BAD SIDE: Zombies now walk through buildings, doors, floors, walls, and can also see and attack you through them and now zombies teleport to you even if you are on a roof! :(