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Everything posted by indepth

  1. Hello everybody, i will write my post in french because we are looking for french speaking people to join us in apocalypse. Bonjour, nous somme 3 joueurs francophone qui jouons a DayZ pas mal souvent, si vous êtes interessé a venir nous rejoindre, envoyer moi un message, je vous donnerai les informations du serveur teamspeak. GMT -5, la plupart des soirs de semaine ainsi que la fin de semaine. On se considère pas mal habitué, mais on peut prendre des survivants ou bandits débutant. A+ Hugo Indepth.qc sur steam.
  2. WE ARE NOW RUNNING BITD is now running his own dedicated hardware. Join US. Join us in dayzcommander: 666 Vehicules52 slotCustom loot tableCustom chernarus buildingsNo more road debrisAuto-refuelSelf bloodbagDebug monitorActive players base & Active admins The server restart every 3 hrs. We speak french & english! Hugo
  3. WE ARE NOW RUNNING The as50 and m107 are back in the games. I will try to remove them/or limit them as soon as possible
  4. We now have a custom loot table for the chopper crash. The AS50 and m107 is now banned. We have added l115 LLR and the normal SVD. more to come. + the server now run on our own dedicated server. View range of 2000 meters!
  5. I love the new building, tnx guys.
  6. indepth

    Whitelist tool

    Is it tested a little bit?
  7. ya tnx guys for the server. its nice, love the whitelist!
  8. not sure, if you can't find them.. you don't merit them... :P
  9. a guys got in our car in NW air field, he didnt talk. I had no other choice, didnt know if he was friendly...i shot him :(
  10. yeah, its my new home for sure! Nice server. no hacker so far! 2 of my friends are with me now! You better watch out :P tnx guys!
  11. why im having like 16fps on your server? Is the server too slow for the player count? Cause it's the only server I have this problem.
  12. drakken, u rock, tnx for the anticheat, it will greatly increase the gameplay on the server. Now I feel sorry to have stolen your white pickup at the garage :P
  13. indepth

    Clan Quebecois }PTN{

    si tu veux nous rejoindre, on est deja une coupe envoye moi un private message si tu veux avoir le teamspeak ou on joue. a+
  14. ah oui, excuse moi c'étais tellement évident... :rolleyes:
  15. ouin mais le soir en france ou au quebec ? a+ :P
  16. vous jouez quand et sur quel time zone ?