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About bemurad

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Local bans are in place, imo. Makes them think twice about losing stuff in their tents forever or just the stuff on them.
  2. omg, it'd be instant rage quit for the dumb pubs
  3. bemurad

    No info on Satchal Charges?

    yes, they are in the game, they spawn in the barracks, and the chances of finding them are the same as finding nvgs. So very rare.
  4. bemurad

    explosive fun - NWAF

    Yep its a FN fal, frickin deadly against players. The satchel charge I found right in the barracks. I checked the probability of the respawn and it is 0.11%. Same as the NVG!!!! But yea, I raided it and it was right there in the first room. It was two spots and I thought, hell ima set this right here and blow it up!! hahahaha the guy was a sport, and did not rage quit. However I do believe that he will not be going to the barracks anymore.....
  5. So I found a satchel charge, in the barracks, and I decided to place it.... comments??? anyone try this out.... I had a blast...
  6. People that benefit from logging out during a firefight should be banned, rocket said that it is an exploit that will be fixed in the future. Admins should be enforcing this on all servers.
  7. bemurad

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    Is it when the central server resets or when my server resets?
  8. bemurad

    i need graphics card suggestions

    How much is cheap? I just built a budget rig under 700 bucks using an intel platform with: intel i5-3570k gigabyte mobo z77-d3h 8gb gskill ddr3 1600 ram visiontek 7850 radeon 2gb vga antec One case corsair 650w psu runs arma 2 on all very high. If you only want a graphics card, I'm pretty sure an ati 6850 will run it perfectly, if you want nvidia a 550 ti is also a budget card but will also run it well.
  9. bemurad

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    great, now we have to run around to get the vehicles fixed again. just great guys
  10. http://www.twitch.tv/mageandmelee unbelievable
  11. bemurad


    i5-3570k runs perfectly
  12. bemurad

    To all you hacking faggots

  13. bemurad

    Rocket, where'd the servers go?

  14. bemurad

    Seattle 24 - Player [Sparta] Skaz

    Ok buddy, you bought Arma 2 for dayz, we bought it for all the tactical play that it allows, years ago. We have played this game every week tactically for the last 2 years. We know the kinks, the works of the game. Alongside that, a lot of our players are ex-military, veterans, and gun lovers. If you have the ability to read a map, which it doesn't seem you can, go ahead and see that electro's best approach is from the hill west of the power station, because you have height advantage over the whole town. Another tip there buddy. If you want good loot you have to go get it, risk yourself, go to the airfields, deer stands, get out of electro and cherno. One thing that is still in my mind, is that you accuse me and the whole sparta community of cheating and hacking, and still you play daily on our server. If its not to your taste, there are 500 other servers for you to try out. skaz
  15. bemurad

    Seattle 24 - Player [Sparta] Skaz

    Let me start by saying that SPARTA is a mature gaming community, built up over many years. We focus mainly on playing Arma 2 tactically. I was online the other night and we have a group of 8-12 people, regulars from the SPARTA community that play along with us for years now. We were roaming along the coast, when we heard on the side chat that haku was in electro with some buddies killing people. We figured why not got out there and try and find them. Note: this is an open world survival game. PvP is allowed. So We arrive in Electro, coming in from the north, where the power station is. We know that Haku is around. There is a dead survivor in the entrance of the grocery store. I am on the hill west of the power station. I have a DMR out and I'm looking all over the place for haku or one of his friends. So immediately, I see that the firestation close to the church has zombies walking around it. That is a clear indication of player presence. Note: the server is configured with tags on, that is because we play in a big group and we dont want to risk shooting one of our own. So I am panning all over the place trying to look for someone. And for a split second, I see a survivor tag. I instantly stop aiming around, because arma 2 is glitchy and for a second I could've picked up a signature of two of the friendlies that were around me. When I confirmed that my friends were more than 100m from me, I knew there was someone around the firestation. I started looking closer and I saw, your buddy Haku, prone, on top of the firestation, looking down into the grocery store. Someone close to me ranges it out, around 600meters from my position. I take aim, 3 mil dots down, fire one round, right over his head, fire the second round, kill him. Plain and simple kill, confirmed by over 8 people in my group that had binocs out looking. Now, regarding cheating. Immediately after we killed haku, we raided the hospital, the grocery store and the firestation and left electro heading north. All this time, I had no side chat regarding bombings in electro. We all log off at night. This morning as I log into teamspeak, we have around 4 guys playing. Two of them, have spawned near the coast and are trying to make their way to us when they hear artillery fire on their position. One of my buddies dies in the hacker barrage. the other gets away. Time passes and I head over to the airstrip, I see two guys in the atc tower, I shoot them, and seconds later, the whole airfield get bombed, the atc, the hangars, barracks, everything. They get me killed. I don't know who you two are, i've seen you online in the server. I dont appreciate having fingers pointed at me. If you want to come in an talk to us, feel free to register on our forums. http://www.legionofspartans.com/forums/index.php?act=idx skaz