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Everything posted by kurtz270

  1. Chernarus 100% PVP with the exception of new spawn camping which is highly discouraged http://dayzfunzone.enjin.com/ 24/7 Daylight with 6hr restarts NO ADMIN ABUSE Anti-Hack enabled Battleye enabled Gotcha No password or whitelist at the moment but may be added later. Side Chat Enabled no voice in side chat please Crosshairs Off 3rd Person On Custom Loadout •Revolver •Hatchet •Compass •Mt Dew •Sardines •Painkiller •Morphine DayZ Rookies Welcome Plenty of vehicles with non standard Chernarus vehicles. (vehicle count and spawns will be monitored and added as needed) Barracks at Balota Airfield :ph34r: Mumble Search FUNZONE on DayZ Commander Attention new IP IP DayZ.ST Dallas TX USA Server Owner: Bifftastic http://dayzmod.com/f...838-bifftastic/ Contact us @ http://dayzfunzone.enjin.com/ for more info and the latest news
  2. Back up and running smoothly. :thumbsup:
  3. Thanks Its been down about 3 hrs now. DDoS attack on our Dallas node. Host is aware and working on it.
  4. Server went down. I'm not sure whats up but it's early Sunday morning so it may be a while.
  5. So many people trying to connect to a Celle server have been getting routed to our server for some reason. Its quite funny to see them in side chat, "hmm... this city is just like Cherno."
  6. Back to Dallas.
  7. Dallas server was down. Made a quick change to IP
  8. Thanks for the kind review Electronizer. Did you get your log in problems fixed?
  9. Server is down. Host is having update problems. Server is back! :beans:
  10. You just have to search for them a little.
  11. kurtz270

    how to play private?

    If you use DayZ commander, they offer several maps for download and it's an easy way to update everything. There are a few other maps they do not support but you can use six updater or install manually. Instructions for that are usually found where you download the map. These servers aren't connected like the public ones were so you will not have the same gear when you switch between servers. Whitelisting allows access by your guid. Some private hives allow unrestricted access. No password no whitelist. You just need to peruse this forum and look through the posts to find one that appeals to you and find out what the instructions are for gaining access, map, settings etc.
  12. We had a little population bump over the weekend. Server is still vacant at times so we need more players. We have a friendly community and new players are welcome. Plenty of nice vehicles out there to find. http://dayzfunzone.enjin.com/
  13. You seemed fine before you logged out. That Canadian booze really kicked in eh?
  14. Added a few M1030 spawns. I love this little guy. Added a barracks to Balota Airstrip.
  15. Got the vehicle spawns reset again and everything seems to running smoothly. Well as smoothly as DayZ can be at least. :rolleyes:
  16. Our host has been hacked and all servers have been shut down as of about an hour ago. I will update status when I get more news. :facepalm:
  17. We've had a few new players popping in here and there. Added some Land Rovers(Military Offroads) and some Black SUVs to the spawn table and added some Cherno/Electro vehicle spawns.
  18. kurtz270

    Looking for bandits!

    Two barracks have been added to the airstrip at Balota.
  19. http://dayzfunzone.enjin.com/ Sign up and apply :thumbsup: