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Vintage (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Vintage (DayZ)

  1. i have had this exact same problem also, but all the fix's ive tried have not helped me and im am resorting to formatting my comp and installing windows 7 because im on XP but they might help you. i have heard having a second monitor plugged in has caused this. try disabling that or even unplugging it. i have heard that multiple networks cards being active in your device manager have caused this, try disabling ones you don't use? i have also tried uninstalling all my arma 2 files on steam then reinstaling them and everything involved with 6 updater but it didn't woprk i tried using dayz commander and no luck also. if you have found a solution i would LOVE to know because it's been 3 weeks you have the EXACT same problem i have and i haven't been able to play and im preyy pissed off about it.
  2. Vintage (DayZ)

    six uploader?

    the problem here is not the game, it's the user of the game(aka YOU). if you took 5 fucking seconds you would know how to fix this problem. the serial is coming up because you bought the game on steam and got dayz through six updater is my guess and havn't booted it up CO by it'self yet through steam to finish the last installation process, i had this same problem when the 1.62 update came out and i got the answer on my first or second google search. if not then this is going to be what a google search tells you to do, delete the expansion beta from six, verify your game files on steam both OA and Arma 2 THEN this is important, run combines ops FIRST! then update everything and add it all together on six updater launch and have fun.
  3. Vintage (DayZ)

    Hacker in server banned me?!

    i was in a a server that had the TKZ thing happen, and i wasn't banned so you most likely got banned for something else you did.
  4. Vintage (DayZ)

    Message to the Sounddesigner!

    i don't think this game has a sound designer....
  5. Vintage (DayZ)

    How much would you pay?

    i would pay 60$ for this game any day of the week, even if it was 3 years old. my check list for buying any game pretty much follows this. is it MP? yes? will pay for it. is it PVP multiplayer? yes? will pay more for it does it allow for creative and good team based mechanics, while also letting you do your own thing? yes? ill pay full price every time.
  6. Vintage (DayZ)

    0.19% or Why I stoped playing

    found a DMR and m24 in the same barracks both with spawn rates under .30 percent sounds like you just suck. cya later.
  7. Vintage (DayZ)

    "DayZ Pirates"

    i would be down, but i do not fit the Swedish part of that. guess ill have to take my DMR else where.
  8. Vintage (DayZ)

    Realised why i keep Dying. NEED A TEAM.

    honestly, id trust these guys over just about everyone else in the game.
  9. Vintage (DayZ)


    now everyone knows the whole bandit skin is going out the window and humanity is hidden. we also heard tid bits on being able to possibly change skins which kinda got me thinking. how hard is it to possibly put an arm patch or something to that effect on the models? i mean like a custom one(or have a standard set also?), so... lets say me and my crew of guys could have grey hippos as a shoulder patch. if we were out messing around it's a quick way to ID him as someone you already know. doesn't have a patch? looks like a random just crashed your party. you wouldn't be forced to have one and could just use a blank arm or whatever but i just think it's a cool idea for harder servers that lock you out of 3rd person and remove tags and all that. as well as gives people who want a sense of community something to show off and feel good about? or maybe it could just be bandit bait for me trying to ambush you :3
  10. Vintage (DayZ)


    it could be a suggestion but i just wanted to talk about it and see what people think though, not really suggest anything.