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Everything posted by ellocoremolacha

  1. ellocoremolacha

    Advice on which gun to use

    keep the m14 and the dmr they use the same mags and you can use the m14 for mid to close range and the dmr for sniping,
  2. ellocoremolacha


    I recomend the sennheiser HD202 and a separate microphone.
  3. ellocoremolacha

    Looking for a vehicle

    it doest care if you save them they seem to disapear with the server restarts.
  4. I think that when is out and the most important bugs are fixed they need to do something about the hacking.
  5. ellocoremolacha

    DayZ Memes

  6. ellocoremolacha

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    Arma is not a console game so no.
  7. ellocoremolacha

    Unconscious spawning bug

    Something similar is happening to me. I got killed, i respawned unconscius i wait and i get up, after like 30 minutes i logout and login in another server and i spawned unconscius, i have full blood and no pain but still when i logout and the login i spawn unconscius.
  8. ellocoremolacha

    DayZ New Helicopter Spawn Points. Write yours here!

    Me and my friend found two crashes in mogilevka, yes there were two crashed choppers in the same town, and in lees than an hour we found one inside stary sobor.
  9. ellocoremolacha

    Spawn clipped in to a house in Novy Sobor.

    happend to me today, to get out rust run angainst a wall and go prone.
  10. ellocoremolacha

    Inventory Not Saving on Logout

    If often loose things because of this bug and some people use this bug to clone weapons/ammo. Lets pretend, you have a winchester with two mags and you want more ammo for it, you just change it for another gun, logout and then log in, you will have your winchester in your hand and there will be another one in the floor. Please fix this bug because the noobs just do this instead of looking for more mags.
  11. The first time i realizad that i missed that button was when i was running in the forest with my friend, we stop for a snak and a zombie comes out of nowere and hits one of my friends breaking his leg, we shoot the zombie and we ask each othr "dude you got morphine?" so we sacrificed him.
  12. ellocoremolacha

    Latinoamerican server

    Im From Arg and im looking for other people of Southamerica to play whit, pm if you want to.
  13. ellocoremolacha

    Universal "First Contact" Protocol.

    I dont know i trusted in two people, one shoot me in the back but didnt killed me. And with the other one we were repairing a car and when we finished he sooth me and stole the car, so now im a bandit, not a "i will hunt all the survivors" just a "get to close to me and i will kill you, leave me alone and i wll leave you alone"