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Everything posted by Minibjorn

  1. Minibjorn

    Looking for 3-5 L85's

    I have a L85, we can maybe talk trade if you have a M4A1 Holo/M203...
  2. Minibjorn

    Want Mk 48 give - what ever the fuck you want

    damn.... noone has one.
  3. Minibjorn

    Want Mk 48 give - what ever the fuck you want

    you have a M4A1 Holo/M203?
  4. Minibjorn

    SVD "Dragunov" Camo <> M4A1 Holo/M203

    A bump a day keep decay away.
  5. Minibjorn

    Honey Badgers Trading Post LLC.

    I'm looking for a M4A1 Holo/M203... if you have one in stock!?
  6. Minibjorn

    New Trader [Offering]

    If you can dig up a "M4A1 Holo/M203" I might trade you a "SVD Camo // 1x Mag"... If you are interested.
  7. Minibjorn

    SVD "Dragunov" Camo <> M4A1 Holo/M203

    I thank you for the offer but have to decline, as I am not looking for a M4A1 CCO or its SD variant. I am currently only looking for the M4A1 Holo/M203: http://dayzdb.com/database/m4a1-holo Happy Hunting
  8. Greetings all... As the title says I'm looking for NVGs and a M4A1 Holo, I can put a L85 & a FN FAL on the table. I have 4 mags for the FN but no mags for the L85, STANAG are easy to find though. PM me to setup details and feel free to leave a small greetings here to keep it bumped.. hint hint! Good sunday to you all. EDIT 1: No longer need NVGs, sorry to those that offered. But I still am in need of a "M4A1 Holo" if anyone have one in stock they would like to part with. EDIT 2: Found a Ghillie Suit... so I'm not offering: L85A2 AWS, Ghillie Suit & FN FAL for a M4A1 Holo/M203. If there are any takers.
  9. Added you on steam... but you are offline.
  10. Minibjorn

    Do you gain humanity through time?

    28 days later....
  11. Minibjorn

    Trading M4A1 Holo and other guns

    Greetings... If you want it, not truely a sniper, but I can offer a L85A2 AWS for the M4A1 Holo.
  12. A bump a day keeps the thread from decay...
  13. A bump a day keep the thread decay away...