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Everything posted by Minibjorn

  1. Minibjorn

    Any Vanilla DayZ Servers Left?

    This is true... a brain fart on my part.
  2. Minibjorn

    Any Vanilla DayZ Servers Left?

    Vanilla means a server that's running DayZ without modifactions, which hive it's on has nothing to do with it.
  3. Minibjorn

    Any Vanilla DayZ Servers Left?

    This is true, but unrelated to the issue at hand, as it is not shutting down because of lack of support or a playerbase, but because the admin no longer has the time and drive to run the server. And it's still up for another month... untill July 1st. Borges was saying that the playerbase was dead(gone), my aim was to prove that was not true... which it is not, and that he was infact talking BS. I did do the steam update and used the horrid ingame server browser to look for it, but I can't see it. I'll keep fiddling and see if I can work out why... EDIT: Found it, was myself cocking it up.
  4. Minibjorn

    Any Vanilla DayZ Servers Left?

    It's not dead... zerosurvival has 30+ people on at almost all times, UK410 fluxes a bit but has good people on it and US 3480 seems to be picking up again... so stop being a doomcryer. The main issue, as I see it, is that DayZ Commander only runs up to beta patch 112555... and with the whole GameSpy issue. We need a 3rd party program that'll run a server list with the new beta patches, and it'll help a lot. The ingame server browser sucks... How the hell do you join US 3480 these days, can't see it anywhere.
  5. Minibjorn

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Has any 3rd party program come up yet who does the new servers, or do we have to use the ingame browser?
  6. Minibjorn

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Huh... I have no real issue with gun sway, or hitting at distance, might be the server?? Yea 1.8.1 has a few issues, but overall I think it's a great patch, it has made the game a lot more unforgiving again, which was something it really needed. The nutrition system needs a few tweaks, drains "Food/Water" too fast mainly. But I'm really enjoying this patch, and I do not have issues with gun sway.
  7. Minibjorn

    Cooking steak + food poisoning help

    First of: http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Cooking Also Food poisoning comes in degrees...
  8. Minibjorn

    old loot area's no longer looted

    Shh... don't bring them back, let they squabble over the high end loot.
  9. Minibjorn

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    NO problem dude... thanks for the help, have a can of beans.
  10. Minibjorn

    Infection system overhaul

    Unboiled water and uncooked food has a good chance to infect you. Canned food/drinks and drinking from wells will not infect you though. It just sounds like you either didn't read the patch notes, or are playing carelessly. carry 2 Canteens + 1 empty tin (to boil the water), and remember to cook all food not found in cans, and you'll be fine.
  11. I was just watching a DayZ SA stream on twitch, and he had that gear steal thing happen to him right on stream... gear gone and pop he was unconsious. This needs to be resolved fast, or it'll come back and bite them which I do not want to happen. It's also kinda a double wammy, time now has to be taken out to resolve this shit that's not go into development of the game... so some kids with an ego problem slows down a great game.
  12. Minibjorn

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    It was not really aimed at the dev team, but rather at a user that was better at it than me, but I can see them now that you gave me the right file. I found all the food/drink now, just need to work out how to read the values. I am thinking about forwarding it to the wiki team, but it has not been updated since 1.7.7 though. Not sure when the DayZDB was last updated for the mod side.
  13. Minibjorn

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Hmm... funky. I would really love a data dump on the "Blood/Hunger/Thirst" values for the consumables... hope someone can find them for me or do a data dump. Razor, is your "client" different to ours? Since the files are not there? EDIT: Ahh danke kichilron that solved it.... now how do you read the nutrition values? class FoodgoatCooked : FoodCooked { displayName = $STR_FOOD_NAME_GOAT_COOKED; model = "\dayz_equip\models\food_steak_cooked_gear.p3d"; picture = "\dayz_equip\textures\equip_steak_cooked_ca.paa"; descriptionShort = $STR_FOOD_EQUIP_GOAT_COOKED; bloodRegen = 600; Nutrition[] = {143,300,0,0}; //[Energy,food,water,temp] <<These!! Energy: Not sure what this is. Is it a reduction to exhaustion? Food: Would be how much it reduces your hunger. Water: How much it reduces your thirst. Temp: Increase in temp. (Heat Pack) My guesses.
  14. Minibjorn

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Okay... I was missing part of a string. I managed to get "DayZ_equip.pbo" extracted into a viewable version... but there are no "food_*.hpp", "itemsoda_*.hpp" or "foodcooked.hpp" anywhere in it. So either I'm doing something wrong, which is very possible.... or I'm missing something in my client. So far thanks for all the help though.
  15. Minibjorn

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Okay I can not get it to work... cpbo says it's associated, but I can't open anything with it. And that pboproject keeps saying it's missing .dll files, I installed the depbo.dll and now it's missing a MSVCR110.dll file, which I can not work out how to get working... because I already have visual studios installed.
  16. Minibjorn

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Nope... "Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@DayZ\Addons\dayz_equip.pbo" Tried opening this and look also, nothing. I think I am missing some files or something on my client.
  17. Minibjorn

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    hmm... I cannot find those.
  18. Minibjorn

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    has anyone found out the Blood/Hunger/Thirst values for the various consumables, maybe a list?
  19. Minibjorn

    Graphics Shader Problem

    Which Graphics card are you running, it's the card that has to support the shader not the software.
  20. Minibjorn

    What's Your Favorite Gear-Out?

    CZ'550 or SVD MP5SD6 (Backpack) M1911, M9(SD) or G17 Needed tools 3x Canteen + Tin to Boil M67s + Smoke assorted extras...
  21. This latest path in my mind is a good big leap farward in keeping the game in touch with it's survival roots... a survival game is suppose to be hard to keep you on your toes, and personally I look farward to the SA version if it's all the dev team is hoping it'll be. My server have a good population, 20+ to 50 most times of the day, it's a full day cycle server, so I don't think it's dying, of course the population of the game as a whole will always fall off after the hype. I have no real fears at the moment for the furture of DayZ. Happy hunting all
  22. I fucking hope the ammo spawn rate has gone down a lot... ammo has always been waaay to easy to come by.
  23. Minibjorn

    SVD "Dragunov" Camo <> M4A1 Holo/M203

    Greetings all... I have a SVD Camo with 1xMag that I want to see if anyone wanner trade a M4A1 Holo for... Throw me a PM if you are interested. Thanks in advance & Happy Hunting.
  24. Minibjorn

    SVD "Dragunov" Camo <> M4A1 Holo/M203

    Traded an AS50 for one last night.... sorry. happy hunting all Thread & trade CLOSED.