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About redsoxandy7

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  1. redsoxandy7

    How ruthless are you?

    Depends on the location. If I see a bunch of unarmed people getting swarmed by zombies on the coast I'll let them go and sometimes even help them if I had just spawned. However, anyone who goes north is fair game to me, no matter what they are doing.
  2. redsoxandy7

    Took down a squad of 4 near Zeleno

    We were already well off with basically every tool, coyote backpacks, ghillies, and top of the line weapons. It was mainly bandit oriented and we didn't want a group of 4 people lurking around in "our" area. Not to mention that we made quite a bit of noise and we would have to walk through a large open field to get to the body.
  3. redsoxandy7

    Took down a squad of 4 near Zeleno

    They they were troopers alright. They easily could have DC'd in the barn after I took out 2 of them. I respect players like that.
  4. So as you may of heard, there was an event going on at Green Mountain where people were trading weapons and such. My buddy and I decided to hunt the area of players, and try to sabotage the event which is completely within our rights. We are bandits, and do enjoy killing people for good loot, ect. My buddy and I were 800 meters out from Green Moutain and spotted Vaquxination, now it is Vaqxine on the dirt road, walking down slowly with his handgun drawn. I spotted him since the server has nametags, and zeroed my M24 to 800 meters and my buddy had his AS50 ready to go as well. I put 2 shots into him, and my buddy also shot him and he died. Shortly, if not immediately after this, it said session lost and I confronted him on http://www.twitch.tv/vaan42 his twitch.tv and asked him why. He accused us of hacking and griefing, when I have NEVER hacked in my life, nor do I know how to. I find this outrageous as well as demeaning that he would call myself, [WAR] Andy, and my friend, iamwilliam hackers. Any action would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I'm curious, how many murders did you have by the time you died. I assume they were in self defense since you are on the survivor forums, just curious.
  6. redsoxandy7

    Playing MC Hammer running across the Airfield.

    One time my buddy and I were on top of the industrial building in Cherno killing people and some guy started climbing the ladder playing "HEY yay yay yay, I said hey, whats going on" so looked over the ladder and started singing back to him in direct and got sniped by another guy and fell off the building haha.
  7. So my buddy and I decided to log onto our server and we happened to be in the treeline above Zelengorsk. My kit consisted of an M24 with a Ghillie suit and he had the 240 with a Ghillie suit as well. As I scoped out the area, I noticed that there were zeds around Zelen so I kept my eye on the town for a good 5 minutes. I told my buddy that I saw 1 guy getting chased by 3 zeds and when I zoomed in I realized it was actually a group of 4 people. They ran through Zeleno and we tracked them to the dirt road that leads to Sosnovka so we laid down on top of the hill watching the 2 barns. After 10 minutes, we assumed they were not there so we were considering going to green mountain. I saw what I thought to be an animal, but it was actually one of the guys dragging his buddy out of the barn. When they were in the open, I had my buddy give me the range, I zeroed my m24 to 500m, took 2 shots and took 2 people down. I followed up with another 2 shots to confirm the kills and the remaining 2 hauled ass to the barn, not knowing where we were. After 5 minutes, one of the remaining 2 survivors tried to exit the red barn through the door on the left. As soon as he walked out, I took one shot and broke his legs. He desperately tried to crawl back into the barn for help but my buddy and I put a few more shots into him to confirm the kill just as he was about to make his way back in. After 2 minutes, the last guy with the winchester tried to sneak his way out, but he was well met his end from my M24 Shortly after this, we went back to Zeleno to get some pop from the convenient store and I told my buddy I'd cover him. I went prone in a solid position and right when my buddy went into the convenient store I heard the shot of an AS50 right behind me and dropped dead instantly. I don't know if he server hopped or what, but either way I guess I got what was coming to me ha.
  8. My bad didn't know your title changed on this by posts :P. No but my squad and I got into a fight against 6 others after are bus was shot at and a few of us were killed. We rolled up in our Ural, took out 3 of the other guys, sniped the guy driving our bus away and got the hell out. It was pretty crazy man
  9. Read the thing above the his avatar. Coastal bandits are people who can only kill unarmed, or undergeared players. There is plenty of places north where you can get action. I took out 3 people by Sosnovka yesterday, and another 2 by Zeleno.
  10. redsoxandy7

    What was your last legit kill

    600m sniper shot at Zelengorsk with my M24. Another guy tried to creep up on us, didn't see us in our ghillies and my buddy took him down with his M249
  11. Lookout guys we have a coastal bandit in here. The most l33t of all bandits.
  12. redsoxandy7

    Destroying Friendships

    Give me the server name and my group and I will take care of them.
  13. redsoxandy7

    5 Murders, 30 minutes. Chicago 47

    Well I am a pretty avid bandit but either way, I don't think anyone is going to pass up a coyote pack, ATV, and trust a group of 3 armed people walking toward you in the middle of nowhere :P. Thanks Flex, and I completely agree.
  14. IGN: [WAR] Andy So I hopped on today and spawned in Elektro. I was planning on meeting with my clan up north so I began my journey up the hills through Elektro. At the time I had my Lee Enfield and spotted 5 or 6 tents right in the woods when you first enter. To my surprise, there was a coyote backpack in it so I snatched it and took cover in case someone was in the area. About 20 meters away from myself, I saw a female survival with some type of rifle running toward me. Quickly, I crouched behind a tree to regain my breath, popped my head out, and took her down. I thought I was in the clear, so I began to move out but I heard an ATV real close, so I hit the deck and waited. The guy must have been picking up that female survivor or something because he stopped right on the road only 20 meters from myself. I took him out with one shot to the chest, looted him for Jerry cans, and took off. About 20 minutes later, I was on my way to Zeleno but got myself lost due to not having a map. I ventured to a town a little bits away from Green Mountain and tried to get up a hill but it bugged out and tipped over. I heard several shots in the town, and decided to inspect the area. I managed to fully flank around the town and get into a position at the woods where I could look down on the town. The shots were gone, but I looked down and saw 1 person come out of a brown house, followed by 2 more. They were walking in a coordinated fashion, covering each other and watching the treeline where I was one at a time, but they didn't see me. As the 3 of them came within 50 meters of me, I unloaded 3 rounds of an enfield into the group of them, successfully taking down 2. The 3rd guy tried to flank me but I waited by a tree and right when he came up on me, I hit him in the torso with my enfield, and he ended up bleeding out a few seconds later. I managed to loot car supplies for a Ural my buddies have, medical supplies, and other valuable stuff. It was a pretty eventful hour in my few months on dayZ.