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About mrboombasticnl

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Mostly behind you
  1. mrboombasticnl

    CLANS - Do you need a good looking webstie?

    soo, you create website's, and you dont even have a domain? No one will trust you with a .tk, its free, easy and usually just to set up a phising or something
  2. mrboombasticnl

    Ambushed on Panthera!

    That Ural issn't even in Panthera?
  3. Nice thing to add: On veteran servers, see who uses voice in the chat. Like '(Side)MrBoombasticNL is speaking'. Would be awesome. Also, where the heck does the saved logs go? I can't seem to find 'em '-.-
  4. mrboombasticnl

    no stats

    it shouldn't be in the game, it give's you a big advantage. Its better without it. A little box telling your murders and bandit kill would be nice tho
  5. mrboombasticnl

    DayZ Trailer: Blame (machinima)

    That's one nice trailer! Beans for that!