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Everything posted by koechink

  1. hey im kinda new to this forum and ill be straight forward..im looking for singapore clan...just hit me on Steam or post reply here my steam:http://steamcommunity.com/id/koechink/
  2. singapore?just the person i needed,ill add you on skype
  3. im from asia and i think it will be laggy if i play on ur server..
  4. well i'd like to know which country are you from?im interested since ur grup is not that strict
  5. koechink

    [TSC] The Snakes Clan Now Recruting

    Age :15 Dayz/Fps Experience :Around 1 month.Played a few games like CoD MW3 and BF3,I should say i'm pretty good at FPS but I prefer TPS games. Why do you want to join? :I've been watching people playing DayZ on Youtube with their clan and I have fun watching them.So I decided to join one Where are you from? :Singapore How often do you play? :Almost everyday for 3-4 hours depending on my mood.
  6. Hi,im new to this forum and i would like to join.. My steam:http://steamcommunity.com/id/koechink/ Im a friendly player and from Indonesia but live in Singapore..Cheers