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Everything posted by AQUARIUS (DayZ)

  1. Best Vanilla server out there. i have only good experience on this server. :thumbsup: :beans: :thumbsup:
  2. :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :thumbsup:
  3. Why would anyone wanna play on other servers?! Wireworld server rules! There was never cheaters on this server and i am playing only on this server for last....I don't know....many, many months XD.
  4. AQUARIUS (DayZ)

    Need people to play with 1st day playing Dayz

    come to server DE 1197..i'm trying to make small group last 2 weeks LOL...no luck so far
  5. AQUARIUS (DayZ)

    Stolen or server glitch?

    it could be stolen and it could be server bug couse same thing happening to me last two weeks. i have 3-6 tents and ATV,2xUAZ and BUS. some ttimes whan i log in they are all missing and than after server restarts they are all back XD...and so on going in circle LOL....last week i had to wait 2 or 3 days for stuff to reappere XD...and also DO NOT go over the bridge with ATV it will flip...i broke my bones other night....now whan i see bridge i go beside it. ...oh i forgot...whan my stuff is missing all tents from other players are missing to..i know that couse i loot tham every day LOL and yes if someone wanna team up come to server DE 1197
  6. AQUARIUS (DayZ)

    Looking for 2 players

    i would like to join..hm i think I did se u guys on some server lol....
  7. AQUARIUS (DayZ)

    [Anal Gaming] Recruiting

    i'm will join u guys...looking for some group to play with...i'm 30 so i think i'm mature LOL...just tell me name of the server
  8. ....omg...i droped and broke my leg..i fixed my self and continue to play...than after 10 min connection faield.....relog to game and there it was that bug again...now i'm planing to kill my self and start new char again :( ...oh yes reset pls the ID number is few posts up...thx
  9. ..working fine now....i let zombies to kill me and now it's fine XD
  10. ...same here...pls help player ID: 76974790 game version: ..thx