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Posts posted by AQUARIUS (DayZ)

  1. it could be stolen and it could be server bug couse same thing happening to me last two weeks. i have 3-6 tents and ATV,2xUAZ and BUS. some ttimes whan i log in they are all missing and than after server restarts they are all back XD...and so on going in circle LOL....last week i had to wait 2 or 3 days for stuff to reappere XD...and also DO NOT go over the bridge with ATV it will flip...i broke my bones other night....now whan i see bridge i go beside it.

    ...oh i forgot...whan my stuff is missing all tents from other players are missing to..i know that couse i loot tham every day LOL

    and yes if someone wanna team up come to server DE 1197
