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About PLAYE12

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    On the Coast
  1. PLAYE12

    Arma 2 CO won't start

    So I tried to get the command-prompt thing to work, unfortunately it says that the "System cannot find the path specified". I'm assuming the file location isn't right? I'm also a little confused on the last paragraph, Mojo - do you want me to enter in that command under the launch options in steam for Arma 2, or do you want me to enter it into the command prompt? Thanks again for your help.
  2. I have installed both arma 2 (free) and arma 2 Op. Arrowhead, and ran both separately via steam. While both of those run fine individually, when I try to play Arma 2 CO, I can't get in. The command prompt pops up (and stays up), but then nothing happens. Both installs are clean (I reinstalled both of them, and haven't tampered with the files at all, so there is no dayz on it, or any other mod). Does anyone know what I can do to fix this? I tried looking on the internet to solve the issue, but I haven't been able to come across anything exactly like my problem. Any suggestions are welcome - thanks!