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Everything posted by thedeadzone

  1. Hey everyone, it's been a while. Some of you may remember our previous videos, which were not of the best quality, that basically showed a friend and I trying to survive in DayZ but dying easily due to our own stupidity. Well now we are the killers, and still just as stupid as ever. This video is for those who want to see how bandits (or at least not very good bandits) think, or just people who want to watch our antics. Here's the video: Enjoy
  2. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! A friend and I, after our previous death, head north to Stary Sobor and the NW Airfield at night. This video is meant to be a "lets play" for people who just want to watch gameplay and a guide (on what not to do) for new players. The echo has now been fixed! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzKbuT9y0Ow
  3. Um, I'm not sure, could just be a browser thing. It works for me.
  4. A friend and I, after our previous death, head north to Berezino. This video is meant to be a "lets play" for people who just want to watch gameplay and a guide (on what not to do) for new players. This should be the last episode with any form of echo. Enjoy.
  5. Me and a friend, after our previous death, head north to Berezino. This video is meant to be a "lets play" for people who just want to watch gameplay and a guide (on what not to do) for new players. Enjoy. We're working on fixing the echo for future episodes, we have identified the problem but it will just be a while before we can fix it.
  6. A friend and I, continue our journey north to Berezino and stop in a town along the way. This video is meant to be a "lets play" for people who just want to watch gameplay and a guide (on what not to do) for new players. Enjoy.
  7. We found the problem it was just with skype, we've switched to team speak, it'll fix itself by episode six or so.
  8. Yeah, I don't know why it was echoing then. We're trying to fix it right now but it might take a little while. It's weird though, other parts of the recording don't have the echo tunnel so, maybe it was something that got messed up in editing. Thank you all for your feedback though!
  9. Me and a friend, after our previous death, head north to Berezino. This video is meant to be a "lets play" for people who just want to watch gameplay and a guide (on what not to do) for new players. Enjoy.
  10. thedeadzone

    How Not to Survive in DayZ

    From a 3 hour life, a friend and I narrow down our life to the highlights showing you how we lived and died in DayZ. This video is meant to be a "lets play" for people who just want to watch gameplay and a guide (on what not to do) for new players. We hope you enjoy, The Dead Zone