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Cobb (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Cobb (DayZ)

  1. Cobb (DayZ)

    DayZ Update REDONE

    Hard to tell. Possibly to see how many facepalms could be generated by one thread?
  2. Cobb (DayZ)

    Reason behind your username?

    It is the name of the character I liked most from Firefly. It is short for "cobber", Aussie slang for a friendly person. It sounds similar to my job.
  3. Cobb (DayZ)

    Dear Rocket, This is a GAME

    Just so long as they wash their hands afterwards. I don't want anyone else's nasties on my newly prised-from-your-dead-fingers AK.
  4. Cobb (DayZ)

    Lock-On Rocket Launchers

    I'll bet all the money in my pockets against all the money in your pockets that that if I handed you a "LAW tube" and stood back with a stopwatch...No. Just no. I've never fired a Javelin, Stinger or TOW for real, but I have seen trained soldiers fuck up firing M72 LAW's and the Carl Gustav. While it's not particularly complex, it isn't as easy as you might think either. And I can't recall any handy little pictures on military equipment telling me how to use it. None of which really matters in a game, however I think that finding a way to use the tools that you have more effectively is a better challenge than using a bigger tool. YMMV.
  5. Cobb (DayZ)

    My New Survivor Series (A Bullet for Beans)

    Watched the first two episodes and enjoyed them both. I like the low-key and down-to-earth commentary style. One minor point- the engine noise seemed to override your commentary while driving around. Aside from that, subscribed and :beans:
  6. Cobb (DayZ)

    Which do you prefer between the M4 or M16?

    There's no kill like overkill. M16A2 for my money. I need all the accuracy I can get.
  7. Play nice. It took you one sentence to insinuate that the SA development team isn't intelligent enough as a group to know what they should be doing. How about we keep the discussion on point without throwing around cheap insults.
  8. Mindset. Everything else is window dressing and shiny tinsel.
  9. The one I most enjoy watching is Frankie. At times he can be a bit annoying with some of the carrying on but that is by far out weighed by humour and his rules of engagement. I also like Squirrel and Stoney. They both have a low-key and generally calm approach that I like listening to. Of that particular group they seem to me to have the least "Tacti-cool" approach, and come across as being methodical and not unnecessarily quick on the trigger.
  10. Cobb (DayZ)

    Basic Terrain changes to NWAF in SA

    Interesting idea. I can remember watching a clip on YouTube some time ago which had at least one wrecked Humvee near the airfield. A player was using it for cover/concealent as well a reference point for guiding teammates. It took me a little time to realize it, but the wreckage made the clip seem that much more realistic and natural, rather than just a sterile runway and road system.
  11. Cobb (DayZ)

    40 min into my first ever game of dayz

    The anti-antipodean kind, apparently. OP- let us know how you fare.