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Posts posted by F4tal3rror

  1. Hi guys, just wanting to report a hack.

    I was at balota with some friends, we saw someone run into the 2 story military building (not air control tower), and followed him.


    Then there was a laying down character following one of my friends in mid air (about chest height) and local mic chat playing "it's raining it's pouring" in a child's voice.

    Then I was shot by a mozen by someone who wasn't there previously (we swept the  area), apparently there was suddenly about 5 people suddenly in the area, fully armed, one of my friends was teleported into another character, died, and the other friend was teleported into the middle of the ocean, isn't sure what way to swim to get to shore, or how to suicide.


    Server IP:

    Server Dayz Version: 113860

    Time: (approximately) 17:00 (+10gmt)

    • Like 1

  2. Hi Guys,

    I've been noticing a bit of rubber banding. I do  expect it will improve further into the alpha/beta, but I also thought that port forwarding might (hopefully) help.

    Does anyone have the ports in use for the stand alone dayz?


  3. Still current in ARMA 2:96584, Dayz:

    Does not need to involve a poor/laggy connection, I've had this happen to me numerous times in random locations.

    Body standing, Weapons/Items/Backpack there, I still have mine.

    While it wouldn't stop other players from looting it, making it disappear when the same player logged back in would reduce any intentional exploiting a little

  4. I'm having this issue as well

    Date/Time: 28/09/2012

    What happened: Pickup (white hilux) fuel going to 0 despite being completely filled, and saved multiple times (items in vehicle and location were saved)

    Where you were: Multiple locations- Server restarted while i was traveling, and possibly restarted while i slept (this morning, it had 0 fuel again) [i don't want to disclose location either]

    What you were doing: getting in vehicle, finding no fuel remaining in tank

    *Current installed version:

    Arma 2: 96584


    *Server(s) you were on:AU #500- Multiplay :: Clan [HAX] - ip:

    *Your system specs: n\a

    *Timeline of events before/after error:

    #1 Hacker was attacking a server, saved vehicle i'd found shortly before, and not-long filled up when i realised there was a hacker on the server. (my friend had lots of zombies spawned all around him)

    Admin restarted server, and kicked/banned the hacker, I ran back to the vehicle, to find no fuel in it, and had to run to fill the jerry cans so i could move the truck.

    #2 Logged in and checked to see if my truck was still there after sleeping, and the truck was all there, everything was fine, except the fuel, which was empty, and a couple of the instruments had been on yellow, instead of green, and were now fully repaired.

  5. 1. More rpg elements

    - Maybe

    2. More PvW (player vs. world) difficulty

    - Probably like this idea, but if you did that, you would also need to lengthen the time between hunger/thirst stages

    ***Also, solo players shouldn't have to eat meat to heal. That's just stupid and it breaks immersion. Add some kind of med kit for the single player, available at hospitals. It shouldn't be as effective as a transfusion.***

    This idea I definitely like

    3. More PvE difficulty - Rank the infected. Soldiers>Hunters>Civilians in terms of toughness and damage. Maybe even add some military infected with guns, like the ones in STALKER. They can't shoot for shit but the bullets are deadly. Consider also adding small roving groups of quasi-military NPC survivors in the north that are hostile to all players.

    I like this idea...not so much gun weilding zombies, but varying difficulty zombies.

    Improving zombie pathing and AI would help a lot.

    Roving groups of military npcs could be interesting if implemented properly.

    4. Fix the player ID system. It's been suggested before that if you hover your crosshairs over another player for 2-3 seconds they will be identified. That might work.

    I dislike this, I don't like player ID at all, though i wish players looked more unique.

  6. Date/Time: 12:00pm-ish 21/09/2012

    What happened: I joined a server, and spawned dead.

    I quickly exited, and rejoined another server, spawning with all my gear, current status (orange hunger/thirst)

    Where you were: Inbetween Berizino, Dubrovka, and Gvozdno, under a pine (don't remember standing/prone/crouch)

    *Was NOT wearing ghillie suit, though i've heard of it happening specifically with ghillie suits*

    What you were doing: Spawning after joining a server.

    *Current installed version: ARMA 2:96584, Dayz:

    *Server(s) you were on: "AU 5 - (v1.7.2.6/Beta 96584)[VET][GMT+10] - Hosted by ARMADERP.COM" - IP:

    *Your system specs: n\a

    *Timeline of events before/after error: Logged out under a pine for safety
