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About timairborne

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  1. Most terrible Idea imagineable. Not being able to make a home base is bad. If you want to restrict them restrict the size or amount a single player can drop.
  2. timairborne

    Random You are Dead

    This has happened twice to me so far both times I had spent 12+ hours getting gear and killing people etc. Just sitting there looking around or whatever and screen goes black and says you are dead. I know I wasnt sniped because both times I was in a building looting and no windows with places people could have shot me from. How do I stop this from happening because this alone is making the game unplayable. Not fun to spend all that time looting or whatever to just die for no reason at all.
  3. timairborne

    ingame freezes

    Happens to me alot when joining a new server for about 10 min then it kinda goes away. i7 4770k gtx 770 16g ram
  4. on the server but im the only one lol. seems like regular cherno so far wheres all these stores or bases lol.
  5. this is dumb, soon as you post good things about a server and it gets highly rated it will get flooded with hackers oogling at noobs who suck at the game because they dont know where everyperson and their mother is at on the map at all times, cant teleport and use god mode. omg what noobs cant even shoot me while im speed running type of deal. Yea no. I prefer to keep my server off the mainstream just so it doesnt get painted with a big a** bullseye. Good intentions, Bad Idea.
  6. timairborne

    Setting up a private hive with vilayer?

    ah so its possible just broken?
  7. timairborne

    Osprey on fallujah

    Guess we need to stock up on car parts rofl. Have you figured out how to save the osprey?
  8. timairborne

    Osprey on fallujah

    Ok, i love this big fat bird. Only problem is I cant seem to get the save option or repair hull option to show up? anyone know how this is done? Also everytime I reset the server all of the heli's and vehicles break again. Its a huge pain in the arse. How do I keep the vehicles from breaking on restart??
  9. is there a way to add vehicles on a private hive hosted by vilayer? like tanks and apaches? or is that only when you do the hosting yourself? also cant seem to get the defualt loadout to work.
  10. Im thinking something is not syncing with the hive (vilayer) when i die It wont create a new character it just gets stuck at loading. Anyone else having this problem?
  11. timairborne

    Server Spawning everyone in the same place.

    its fixed if your hosting with vilayer.
  12. timairborne

    Server Spawning everyone in the same place.

    vilayer updated the code fixing the spawn points should be working fine now testing it now.
  13. dont listen to the egg heads, i had the same crap happen to me, the fix is a pain. your going to need new cd keys if its banned. mine wasnt banned. but your going to have to change your cd keys in the registry which can be a pain in the ass if you dont know what your doing. unfortunately if your banned the only thing you can do is get a fresh set of keys. Seeing as how steam wont let you change your cd keys, you can do it in the registry, or get another steam account. Google how to change your cd keys. Plenty of stuff there.
  14. timairborne

    Can't join servers - No matter what.

    how many servers have you tried? what maps were they? What version was the server running? What version are you running?
  15. i have an awesome computer as well, i get horrible lag on certain servers. try a different server?