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Posts posted by WyLd_D3v4sTaTi0n

  1. That's just silly. SVDs are way rarer than ghillies.

    Well still we are pretty geared to the teeth if some one wants something else i am sure i can throw in some other things

    + it's just not a SVD camo i am looking for i also need a pair of NVG's and a rangefinder

    I am sure i can find something in my Groups tents that some one would need

  2. Well after you signing up we need 1 more sniper, another 2 medics, 1 support gunner and 3 more Assault Infantry, oh and a driver wouldn't go a miss too

    Well i would love to apply for sniper/Heli Pilot i am not the best Flyer but its not like i crash into the ground the second i try to take off

    (if you need a heli Pilot of course, but if you dont i can still be a car driver if thats what you mean)

  3. Hello Bronys,

    As a member of the Chernarus Free press I would like to offer the opportunity to provide journalistic coverage of your event. I've been looking to cover an event for a while so this would be a perfect opportunity.

    I'm thinking of doing interviews with the attendees, coverage of key events and recording any mayham or happiness that occurs - hoping for happiness.

    Thank you for your consideration.


    Cherno Journo

    I think this is a great idea, i think it could boost the rep of bronies a bit, but thats just my opinion

  4. You gave them the idea that perhaps once in DayZ people could meetup and have a bloody awesome time.

    An idea is resilient and highly contagious. Once it has taken control of the brain it is almost impossible to eradicate.

    You have done well.

    Ohhhh if we set our locations on this post is has a chance of getting VERY Bloody.......

    *dont get the wrong idea I only kill other players when nessasary. Ex. if they shoot at me or if they try and set me up and lead me into a ambush and i catch them befor so*

  5. Perfect, you are in :D

    You would always be welcome to come!! Could use all the help we can get... mostly from ourselves!

    You cannot change, i am the only Derpy (actually there is 1 other)....

    Maybe we will be knowing him as something else soon :\

    Well i might consider Changing my name to Vinyl scratch then if someone is not already using her name

    And you act like that was a hard question.....
