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Posts posted by WyLd_D3v4sTaTi0n

  1. Yes, my spy mission is now active!! haha i shall be on the server later on today!! I got some work to do!!

    Also we have been immortalized by a friend of mine!! Hope you love this as much as i do

    EDIT: Yes SoMore's cutie mark is a map and compass.... Only thing i could think of that would suit him so well!


    shit dude, mind drawin me up a OC as well i can do it on my own i just wana get a tablet first, and derpy you know i am a dammed good sniper lol

  2. Ahh Hell the admin changed the map to Panthera, well atleast i know him and i can get him to change it back to the Namalsk server for us as soon as i talk to him ill send yah the Server Details Derpy

    and this time i will be able to record successfully without completely melting down my computer, after the whole this is done ill also be sure to throw my youtube account on here as well so you guys can go and view it

    Edit: i just Told the admin i had a meetup scheduled and would like to play on a Namalsk map, so as soon as he replies ill let yah guys know about it, if he wont do it i am sure we can get met up fairly quickly on a new map its not hard to navigate at all, dont even need a map half the time

  3. Welp i got to work in the afternoon fortunately after the season 3 premier but i will be able to watch it if we start around the time the Premier ends at 11pm EST then i will be able to play for a few hours any time After that i cant come and the server is in the East Coast i can get you guys set up with the name and everything, just ill be the only one geared to the Teeth whilst i help you guys gear up (if we start RIGHT after the Premier is over)

    Fucking 3 Weapons


    M4A1 CCO SD

    M249 SAW

    M9 SD

    and more than enough ammo for each weapon to last me a while

  4. OK i have something planned and ready to go for next week!

    "The Brony Meetup Season 3 Special"

    Ill be arranging the time for after the show airs live, so it will be about 5-6pm GMT when we will get started,

    Private hive is the choice, any suggestions for what map we play on?

    Again Gimmie a shout if you wanna come along!

    Namalsk i already got us a server that is private hive

  5. He he he if you guys could get on this one server that just turned private for a re-gear server, you would be amazed on the amount of stuff we stored up in 2 urals and a Offroad in Namalsk

    *Note: no hacks were used to gain any gear we collected

    But my god 2 full urals full of gear 5 coyote packs one for each person of my little group i was playing with for the past like 4 days, 40+ weapons 2k+rounds in ammunition, and a fuck ton of food and drinks

    • Like 1

  6. yah i spawned in a village kept moving east along the coast came to the airfield i hear a engine, looked down the runway and BOOM! a fuckin An-92 Areoshot is just running and sitting there, so i just ran for it and not a SINGLE shot was fired at me during that only when i head back for a flyby i get shot down first he pierced my hull so the fuel started leaking then he shot the engine and since i was to close to the ground to eject and live i just stayed with the plane and crashed it into the mountain =)

    • Like 1

  7. Sounds like an excellent idea!! If you bare with me i shall dig up a link for you.... most interesting indeed and the reason i have 2 days of Pony music!

    I know i just started playing Panthera tonight with a couple Bronies, kinda like it actually, i shall PM him asking if he is avaliable for the 20th and 21st

    "tries panthera loots a few building finds his way to airfield see's a working RUNNING Plane makes a run for it Gets it, goes to other airfield to refuel, goes back to the first airfield, gets shot down quit for the day" fucking .50cal,,,,,,, breaking my brand new plane and shit

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  8. 21st should be all good, had a very mini meetup for the last couple of hours because of how bad my weekend has actually gone... so the Real 5.0 will be all good for the 20th and 21st so fingers crossed you can join us on the 21st!

    I sure as hell hope i can join i also ( Hopefully ) can now record without lag on my new computer so i can get my dusty old youtube channel up and going again this time with more ponies involved ( my last few Vids Besides my Fighting is magic fight have not really shown that i am a brony and other than that one video i dont think i have any vids of me saying that i am one directly strange that i have not done that yet.... )
