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About WyLd_D3v4sTaTi0n

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Me and a few friends have gotten back into dayZ Recently and would love it if we could find a older version of the game, IMO all the new stuff added in kinda kills it for me So if possible i would love it if you could give us a download link for the patch and a server IP as well
  2. WyLd_D3v4sTaTi0n

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Hell if yah guys want me to ill jump on now
  3. WyLd_D3v4sTaTi0n

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    well today i got screwed......... 31 straight days of surviving on The cherno map i meet a guy, we get together and he shoots me in the back of the head just because of my name ( at least thats what he said he did it for ) Note* i was using my usual "WyLd_D3v4sTaTi0n" name at the time......... Probably thought i was a hacker or some shit like that idk
  4. WyLd_D3v4sTaTi0n

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Also Render this shit onto your computer and send it my way i will more than happily redo this when i finally get my tablet
  5. WyLd_D3v4sTaTi0n

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    shit dude, mind drawin me up a OC as well i can do it on my own i just wana get a tablet first, and derpy you know i am a dammed good sniper lol
  6. WyLd_D3v4sTaTi0n

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    I agree i think they would so much more fun if everyone actually showed up....
  7. WyLd_D3v4sTaTi0n

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    WOAH WOAH WOAH, NOOOOOOOOO all the gear on my Re-gear server is gone everything is, ah oh well i still got all my gear on me
  8. WyLd_D3v4sTaTi0n

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    not sure man, even if he has a railgun as long as he does not see us we are perfectly fine i have a perfectly good AS50, and a great shot
  9. WyLd_D3v4sTaTi0n

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    just sent yah the PM now sorry i did not send it before i figured i should get some sleep for today
  10. WyLd_D3v4sTaTi0n

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Nope every thing is good to go on my server Coding is done and server is back up as soon as i finish updating all my maps i will send you the details Derpy
  11. WyLd_D3v4sTaTi0n

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Ahh Hell the admin changed the map to Panthera, well atleast i know him and i can get him to change it back to the Namalsk server for us as soon as i talk to him ill send yah the Server Details Derpy and this time i will be able to record successfully without completely melting down my computer, after the whole this is done ill also be sure to throw my youtube account on here as well so you guys can go and view it Edit: i just Told the admin i had a meetup scheduled and would like to play on a Namalsk map, so as soon as he replies ill let yah guys know about it, if he wont do it i am sure we can get met up fairly quickly on a new map its not hard to navigate at all, dont even need a map half the time
  12. WyLd_D3v4sTaTi0n

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Welp i got to work in the afternoon fortunately after the season 3 premier but i will be able to watch it if we start around the time the Premier ends at 11pm EST then i will be able to play for a few hours any time After that i cant come and the server is in the East Coast i can get you guys set up with the name and everything, just ill be the only one geared to the Teeth whilst i help you guys gear up (if we start RIGHT after the Premier is over) Fucking 3 Weapons AS50 M4A1 CCO SD M249 SAW M9 SD and more than enough ammo for each weapon to last me a while
  13. WyLd_D3v4sTaTi0n

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Namalsk i already got us a server that is private hive
  14. WyLd_D3v4sTaTi0n

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    He he he if you guys could get on this one server that just turned private for a re-gear server, you would be amazed on the amount of stuff we stored up in 2 urals and a Offroad in Namalsk *Note: no hacks were used to gain any gear we collected But my god 2 full urals full of gear 5 coyote packs one for each person of my little group i was playing with for the past like 4 days, 40+ weapons 2k+rounds in ammunition, and a fuck ton of food and drinks
  15. WyLd_D3v4sTaTi0n

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    i hate being in the hospital =(