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Everything posted by RockerJC

  1. RockerJC

    Stable Update 0.62.139835

    Update: Servers List popped out after Update.... 8-)
  2. RockerJC

    Stable Update 0.62.139835

    Anyone knows when they will allow to create lan servers??? Since i cannot see any list of servers popping out....
  3. RockerJC

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Found me an oil drum and hoarding all the way hey!.... 8-)
  4. RockerJC

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Server just restarted and no loot spawning... is this the norm now in this build?
  5. RockerJC

    Makeshift Shelters in the woods

    How about makeshift shelters that can be destroyed when not in use...to shade the survivor since it rains every minute now in DayZ standalone. Checked but it seems, this is not on the list of suggestions.. maybe the devs can think about this in future updates.... 8-) http://youtu.be/Ls_TJP9E0j8
  6. RockerJC

    Makeshift Shelters in the woods

    Yes! there is hope....... 8-) http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/224288-dayz-dev-questions-answers-eugen-harton-april-20th/#entry2254808 Q. @iiRosco: Will their be craft-able tents implemented? A. Yes, something like that is in our plans, no details yet though.
  7. RockerJC

    Makeshift Shelters in the woods

    Yeah man! sticks and leathers goes well together for a makeshift tent. I honestly think this will be a great addition in the crafting recipes for a Survival game.
  8. RockerJC

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    I recently post a video here hunting a deer using a sporter rifle, the deer went down in 10 hits, not sure if its intended (means need to use more high caliber weapons???) or was it a bug ?? anyone can confirm this ?
  9. RockerJC

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Oh yeah! come to think of it i was attacked by a zed when collecting kindling, maybe the meats got worn after the attack. Then, yes i placed the meats directly to the fire...i thought meats will be cooked the same way in 0.52 version, okay that explains it.... thanks. However, seems not authentic for a survival theme to have a cooking pot at all times to cook meats... don't you think??? Either we can craft a bbq stick or craft a makeshift grill to cook meat instead of looking for a cooking pot... cooking pots should be used for boiling water or soups or stews.... just my point of view..... 8-)
  10. RockerJC

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Anyone experienced the below situation??? Successfully Hunted deer Skinned deer, get meats put into backpack, log out for the day log in the next day set up fireplace to cook deer meats, meats condition became worn, when took out from backpack i cooked them anyways, then became ruined??? no meat to eat..... 8-( Was this a bug or intended to happen when you placed uncooked meat in backpack for a day (even logged out)????
  11. RockerJC

    Makeshift Shelters in the woods

    I really hope that the devs have plans to add makeshift shelters in crafting for more things to do in the woods..... 8-)
  12. RockerJC

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Deer Hunting bug?? See if you can spot it......... 8-)
  13. RockerJC

    Makeshift Shelters in the woods

    Another video on makeshift shelters in the woods as it seems more authentic and goes well with DayZ's survival theme than looking/finding tents to set up camp. What do you think???
  14. RockerJC

    Makeshift Shelters in the woods

    And it can be a source of kindling in the woods when destroyed (if no loot) by a survivor or new spawns does not have an axe yet.... A lot of possibilities..... 8-)
  15. RockerJC

    Makeshift Shelters in the woods

    @Draco and @imun, both of your ideas are great and hope the devs team can somehow implement them in DayZ Standalone... 8-) As for my suggestion, i was thinking along the line that the "makeshift shelters" once crafted could be persistent like the tents which is a pain to find (for me as a lone wolf). It also can be made difficult to craft but could easily be destroyed by any survivor or hordes of zeds .... which can be another source of grief that can make DayZ more interesting. I would also like the idea of it having a degrading system maybe about 3 - 5 days without any interaction should despawn the crafted shelter to ease the server load...
  16. RockerJC

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    A lot of servers i tried, still unable to connect all "waiting for host" for sometime.... honestly if they are selling the game at the current price point... they should have the lan feature unlocked for this game so that it may discourage cracked versions..... 8-(
  17. RockerJC

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Oh! so that So this is the reason why my DayZ keep crashing....
  18. RockerJC

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Found a bug in 0.51 Experimental branch servers... Zed spawning and running, spawning and running then crashed my DayZ... 8-)
  19. RockerJC

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Has anyone found any wild boars or wild deer and successfully cut them meat? I am starving ..... 8-)
  20. RockerJC

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Buggy doors in new buildings...unable to fit in two... not sure where I am at, maybe in Berezino area??
  21. RockerJC

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Oh! Thats where my backpack went to.... lol!
  22. RockerJC

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    not sure if someone notice...but why it always rain in Chernarus every 5 minutes or less....if rains keep pouring like that Elektro and Cherno should be flooded in the center......8-) To keep it "authentic"........
  23. RockerJC

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Thanks mate for this... Truly one of the best remake zombie movie.. have just watched it again and it still entertaining to watch before Season 5 of the Waliking Dead resumes this October... 8-)
  24. RockerJC

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Yey! Another update...another round of testing....Thanks to the Development team..... 8-)
  25. RockerJC

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Geez! just tried playing today, the relentless spawn of zombies after each kill while in a shed coming at me... i am now scared to go out of the shed...... 8-) Good thing i have stocked up a lot of ammo while waiting for the new updates.