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Everything posted by bezki

  1. bezki

    The good DEED.

    whats there not to understand? please enlighten us.
  2. bezki

    The good DEED.

    cool beans. mostly playing solo or with my brother. i suck at the mic ^^. 'll check that out tho.@worrun: i feel ya :). it helps looting with the back to the corner/wall and facing up during the delay of opening the gear menu.
  3. bezki


    i am at day 19 now and still dont have matches^^. my brother is more lucky he found like 3 pieces in 2 hours. yesterday i legged all from novy sobor to berezino to solninchini to elektro and found ONE can of beans in an almost empty server. its still enough :) ps: i know exactly were to look up the stuff i need. its just never there :)
  4. let the bandit skin return for those player who kill another player who has no weapons/melee at all. lock up the griefers. its just stupid. otherwise i have no problem at all. never been sniped but who snipes randomly over hundreds of meters to survive? my brother had killed once a guy on the top of the zub castel , over 800 meter away(he was just looking around with his binocs. i screamed at hi you are such an asshole. same happend to him later. i think he will never do it again. everyone who killed me looted me and earned it with their playstyle.
  5. i think they should reset everytime they update. i mean its an alpha and the only purpose should be testing it. still on day 19 now.
  6. bezki

    Why Day-Z Fails

    The map is way too big to have any fun on when it takes 4 hours to get to the northern border just to get shot by a random sniper. hahaha
  7. bezki

    This game is so f*cked up!

    i was clearly refering to your post. only a crying baby would write in their childish rage :QUOTE: F*ck you, DayZ Crew.
  8. bezki

    This game is so f*cked up!

    i bet they are enjoying your delicious tears.
  9. stop hoarding? :) karma is a bitch.
  10. till now never! either i dont let them see me. they kill me or i headshot instakill them.
  11. bezki

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    not able to logout when bleeding or unconsciousnessor BAMM DEAD at relog. i find the easiest, best solution. or a countdown that beginns when you log out. still able to move etc. for the non alt+f4ers (legit dc) alt+f4 will jsut stay there. edit: damnit ajkimedes almost ninjad
  12. bezki


    it's the M14 AIM using DMR mags. just look top right for the name.those fuckers deserved it :)
  13. bezki

    Experimental test patch

    ^same@AzzurrAi had no problems at all with and beta 94876. maybe its because i do everything manually with no updaters etc. or luck ;) anyway there were a lot players inside the servers.
  14. bezki

    Experimental test patch

    test the damn game. gear hugger. and yes is much better. so go help us.
  15. bezki

    Experimental test patch

    djshauny1 they doint know wtf they are doing obviously been broken for months and no real fixes at all wth dude. and this is your purpose to posting here, to contribute nothing else as flame. sorry but get lost. Dean and all the other Guys at bohemia are working their asses of. ALSO ALPHAaaah
  16. bezki

    Experimental test patch

    latest hotfiy and beta patch 94700 fast connecting. 700 Z's. ghillie suit is gone. again in survivor skin. spawn point the same. still got all my gear. Zombies walking (again?) inside buidlings.
  17. bezki

    Make it harder, less loot

    my brother loves sniperrifle but i am all for it. +1 OP
  18. Zelenogorsk on the left side on the map above kamenka is underrated. i often spawned near the airfield in balota. grabing some guns and heading north. many deer stands a supermarket, barns, two wooden hosues and a red brick house gives you nearly everything you need in 20-30 min. if possible at spawn. directly speeding to first get morphine and an axe^^
  19. bezki

    1.7.2. screwed my Arma 2

    94444 worked flawless for me and didnt try 1.7.2 till now. i just hope it doesnt fuck it all up to re-install. well, nothing better to do anyway :) trying and testing tomorrow.
  20. bezki

    I Must Confess...

    atleast you feel bad :D i think 9 out of 10 have done it. even i did it the first time i played to escape the Z's. its just lame. thousand things could happen. another time i head my legs broken and was near death. i crawled into elektro hospital roof and out again loaded with morphine and bloodbags. that was great and i never thought i could do it. felt so good. you never now what will happen and its always more exciting to not know how it ends(or not). sry for the previous flame :) keep your goodwill up till its fixed.
  21. bezki

    I Must Confess...

    just think about it. you've could survived. flanked the sniper killed him. humilated him and revenged your buddy and got new gear. now that would be a story.
  22. bezki

    I Must Confess...

    rule fucking number 1. dont get too attached to your gear. its your fault playing sloppy after finding a good gun and feel badass. NO. i can understand but i dont forgive you :) butbutbut i wants playz with ma friends with ubergear and rule the newbz...........cry more. i dont get it. if you feel so bad to make a thread about it and ask for a ITs OK BUDDY. your WRONG. i bet you are duping and server hoping too. PS: i am no sniper(wannabe) at all.
  23. DayZ (Team) was at the rezzed game-event from rockpapershotgun and eurogamer i think. http://www.rezzed.com/# i find it hard to find any videos on YT. the only one i found was and Interview from THEGAMERHUB with Dean for all those who didnt see it and i hope people feel free to post their clips if there are any others. sry if allready posted. didnt show anything related.
  24. bezki

    DayZ @ REZZED

    new other infos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlROg9Q7c38 edit: Better thread with more links and comments. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=30774 please go here and let this get deleted or die.
  25. bezki

    *think i heard someone

    and i thought about the totaly random wood cracking noise :( about your whining: dc exploits will be fixed.....