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Everything posted by bezki

  1. bezki

    Dear Newbies Wandering The Coast

    wat. really? your tl;dr is allready there. just read the last sentence.
  2. bezki

    Global Ban on 2 accounts: DayZ

    no. like you said. all weapons are in the standard game so just test them out there. holy fucking crystal raptor jesus.
  3. bezki

    Battle eye going huge?

    whats that. can i accidentally do this. wahtever you are talking about i have no idea.edit: allright. i googled and found another thread here on the dayz forums lmao.
  4. you should read all of it. he clearly states that he never used it for himself. so did i.the point is: the cowardness of other players encourages me also to think harder of my tactics. if possible, always have or gain back the upper hand to finish them instantly with a shot to the head before they even are able to DC.
  5. bezki

    How do i open doors (webshot)

    you love to be spoon feed. dont you? well then that game is definately nothing for you at all. look at the controls. train in the boot camp. started with 1.5.6. and i played 6 hours just missions and so on. but well thats just me. next thing you ask without a PLEASE will be how to run, crouch, prone, eat, drink use binocs, bandage yourself etc. etc. come on man. future tip: some server with veteran or expert status have 3rd person disabled. hit: num enter to switch. there are many video tutorials & (beginner)instructions btw.
  6. bezki

    This game + Fraps = Lag?

    try recording on half size. and cap it to 30
  7. 22 days. died due a shot to the backhead. totally unexpected and made me shit bricks. 21s day due to the respawn button^^ good old gta style :)
  8. dont get attached to your shit? goddamnit? server hopping for loot and then get scared. you are doing it wrong. as the other guy said. patience. best times in this game. i waited sometimes 5 minutes or more. till the other guy lost his patience and runs into my crosshair. or i die. which is worth it because you get that tension nowere else.
  9. bezki

    Done with Dayz

    good luck. everygame has them. also your post sounds like you change to another game without using 'hacks' funny.
  10. bezki

    Horrible Lag + Sniping = ....

    +1 for looting the guy
  11. and i think most people in this forums dont understand or have an another opinion what is defining someone as a Bandit!90% which have been called a bandit were just plain paranoid, griefing without even looting the bodys or just murderers. MURDERERS and psychos are nothing like them. Hell, a real Bandit enriches my game. the others DONT, they just want to try to end it.
  12. q6600 2.4ghz gtx460 6gb ram arma 2 and AO working like a charm mid high-settings 50-60 fps. dayz forest:30-35. small towns 30 and big cities 15-20. :( i am sure it all will get better but its anyway time to upgrade. rig is 3.5 years old. graphics card 1.5 years. arma 2 free version had some performance problems on my build or it was because i had a 260 that time. cant really compare but the game is mostly CPU heavy i heard, so...
  13. FN stands on it. it's to toggle your keyboard keys symbol. on my keyboard its between right-alt and ctrl.like others said. controls/select infantry controls to limit the keys who are showed. search for toggle view. click edit. delete old keybinding, edit new keybidning. done.
  14. bezki


    cry more. goddamn, please stop it and just leave. you dont have the patience, skill, maturity, expirience, intelligence, will to learn and adapt nor the mind of a THINKER to play this game( ITS A MOD IN ALPHA STAGE)................ byebye
  15. bezki

    Is this true about regular vs veteran servers?

    cant answer your question but i am staying always off of them. white dots, nametags, crosshairs etc. not for me. reminds me always about BF spotting doritos.whats the purpose anyways to have a GPS on a regular server? veteran only. i mean rocket wants it to be a hardcore anti-game? tons of handholding in regular servers......sigh
  16. well then the game is not for them. no babysitting. spoon feeding and handholding. I LOVE IT.
  17. i just got sniped once in 200hours in dayz. i still want to thank you OP. i love you.
  18. he surely excepts everyone to have highgeared friends, raiding the airfield and duping the shit out of their item so every guy has NVg's, Thermal snipers and wookie suits.i played over 200 hours and the only NVG i found were on a dead guy in the chernogorsk supermarket lol. i would love to play more at night but right now with all the griefers and exploiters it doesnt make much sense.
  19. again? haha every new patch or hotfix the respawn timer for the Zeds bugout. didnt have the chance to play allready.
  20. bezki

    worlds best h@cker lol

    wat? ok you are blaming nameing and shameing a noob player. well done. edit: yes johnnyblack i could see that nothing absurd happend. cheats in gta4 with NPC are fun but i got no Humor at all for this crap. just say i haz k1ll4d a n3wb and 1 a so 133t ALSO if he would cheat he would be a cheater or script-user. A HACKER is something completly different.