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About RAYRAY (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. RAYRAY (DayZ)

    Operation: Humanity

    ]CIA[ can offer security detail with medical support in 2 hours with a 6+ man team (dependant on who we have on). If you are interested in our help please contact us on our teamspeak at
  2. RAYRAY (DayZ)

    Wrongful ban on US 2948

  3. RAYRAY (DayZ)

    Wrongful ban on US 2948

    A member of our community, ]CIA[, was playing on the US 2948 SCAG server for multiple hours where the SCAG crew flew over him multiple times and he was able to find their base. Once he found it, I went to the location with him. The SCAG base has 3 choppers ready to fly and 3 chopper crashes with a boat in middle of the forrest and every other vehicle in the game. Multiple tents with AS50 TWS, M4A1 HOLO SDs, and G36c SDs. We suspected that they were hacking so we recorded their base at which time they came back to base in their chopper. When the pilot jumped out he was killed by us and my partner took the chopper and flew over their base to video the size of their base from the air (then crashed the chopper). I was then kicked from the server. I went back on to place satchel charges and blow up part of their base. After this I went to their lobby to talk to one of the players and ask them why they would hack on their own server and their response was "we can't control what our players do, it wasn't me hacking so I'm not worried about it". They then reset the server so that their base would respawn without any harm done to it. I just went to their server a few minutes ago and saw that I was "Admin banned" for w3479cfd2 0x2f5ae313. No clue what this is but I was not surprised due to the fact that they were upset that we killed one of their members and exposed their base. The video is not available yet because my member is at work, but will be posting a server report against them as soon as it is uploaded.