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About kkthnx

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  1. kkthnx

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    Quit being so negative please and sit back and watch what happens. Assuming is a power thing that can and will make you look stupid.
  2. kkthnx

    Why can't DayZ be like this?

    Standalone needs winter, rain, storms, it needs a better weather system. Group coms, where you can only talk in direct coms with group members if you pick up radios. I really can not think of anything else or stuff to help. I just think standalone needs to be focused more on the real aspects of the game that will make me more life threatening to do things in-game It needs more of a life or death feel to it. Video is freaking sick though. I loved it.
  3. kkthnx


    I just bought a 680GTX FTW+ 4gb for 550 bucks and I love it and I was running a 560ti 448core and now my fps is 60 solid maxed out 1920x1080 with HDMI so gpu is what you need. But you need to member that Arma II is very very poorly optimized for anything anymore. so.
  4. kkthnx

    Framerate in cities

    Lol @ people saying their fps does not drop when going by cities.. You have the issue like we all do. Dont lie or hide it, or maybe you just play it on so low of settings you don't even notice it. I have a 680 GTX FTW+ OC'ed - 6.core proc AMD FX Unlocked - Black Edition 3.9ghz Stable - 8gigs DDR3 Corsair. Water cooled. I get the same issue as you all and I have more than enough to run this game at max or anything. =) So for the people saying omg its heating issues.. Umm no learn your pc stuff before replying to a post leading someone into false info. Face it and accept it ArmaII + DayZ is poor and I fucking mean poorly optimized.. Even for newer cpus too. Its very sad
  5. Very true but it has been months since and patch but really not much can be said since he does it for free.
  6. Razor, do you plan to put out a patch soon? I mean.. Its been awhile, people are starting to get annoyed with slow patches.. Standalone has already been pushed back so a patch would be nice to be deployed. Its been couple of month and in theory its should not take that long to test stuff. I understand you do this for free but, we do get bored with bugs and silly in-game issue that can be resolved. I really hope to see this patch this month... Its over due and people will agree with me.
  7. Would be nice to see this change log come out soon. Been holding off on playing until this patch comes out.. Just some advice too razor, dont jst remove stuff just because a group of people cry about it I am not happy at all some of the stuff was removed I thought it would be a big improvement now I am kinda disappointed that stuff was removed because little kids wanna cry about things.
  8. Very good to hear my buddies and I will look into your server and try it out! Also is your server down? Been wanting to play on it..
  9. kkthnx

    Clothing textures all bad?

    Yes they both are very cheap on steam I'd suggest buying them I did and I do not regret it. Enjoy!
  10. I think the changes are awesome and I am looking forward to this update hopefully soon it comes out.
  11. Add me on steam. = Blackhawk2097
  12. kkthnx

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    God bless them and their families. I bet they're are freaking happy. Welcome home guys. We missed you.
  13. kkthnx

    Squad Forming|

    Shoot me a friend request on steam bud. Blackhawk2097