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immortal revolt

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Everything posted by immortal revolt

  1. A hacker playing on one of my favorite servers gets many global bans every day, he comes back every time. I think that some hackers are sponsored to hack dayZ to get people off the game. Bohemia interactiv is a pain in the ass for other game dev and rockets DayZ made there problems even bigger. This ofcourse is only a theory...
  2. Hello Me and my brother was playing on DE 28 weeks later (private hive). We had a truck and was driving on the road past the powerstation NW of cherno when a guy started to unload his as50 on our truck. My brother Johan got shot or died from ejecting from the moving truck and I drove towards balota trying to save the truck when the same guy apear in front of me so I drove over him and got a kill confirmation (Tom was killed) and after 20 seconds I reach balota and the same guy teleports in front of me again and I run him over again same guy. Then I think to myself I gotta go fast and far becouse now I have proof his a hacker and when I drive past the fuel station between balota and cherno he shoots the truck so it blows up. somehow I dident die and I disconnected. It happend between 20:30 and 20:45 today 25 december. His name was Tom, please get him banned. I cant get any information on the server and whos hosting it...Thanks Timezone is UTC +01:00
  3. immortal revolt

    Pistol HUD icon?

    Hello! I have been off dayZ for a while due to the hacker problem, playing alot of arma 2 instead but now Im back and it seems things have improved alot. I have a question about the pistol icon, what does it represent, gun cleaning or degrading? I search and could not find any information on it. thanks
  4. immortal revolt

    Pistol HUD icon?

    Thanks for the lightspeed replay time :) Thats GREAT thanks :) no more alt-F4uckers :) I know hof to turn on the flashlight, I did use search and found 0 threads
  5. immortal revolt

    Wrongfully Ban From US 70 Chernarus

    Enjoy them like your ban
  6. immortal revolt

    Wrongfully Ban From US 70 Chernarus

    Good one, have my beans!
  7. immortal revolt

    Community Banlist

    Sounds like you got great friends LOLZ
  8. immortal revolt

    Ban on cz01 - why?

    how is picking up a tws not cheating? You cheated enjoy your ban!
  9. immortal revolt

    Wrongfully banned

    noles got baned for hacking becouse he was hacking, good good I think its pretty funny than noles think he owns the forum and can dictate whos allowed to post in this thread. Your funny noles hehe
  10. immortal revolt

    Bigfoot in standalone?

    this would be great, you should hear him "whissle" like the real one :) he should not be this murdering monster but instead very easy scared and shy
  11. I like it! But the gear should still be on the zombie so you can kill it and take your stuff back, whatever you have in your hands should be droped on the spot you where killed. player zombies should not despawn.
  12. immortal revolt

    Who's the traitor?

    thats was a real dick move but still it was funny, have my beans goddamnit!!!
  13. immortal revolt

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I want to thank Mouse Denton for comming and saving me from my koma, I was infinite unconscious in a no zombie zon in a gilliesuit....I could have been laying there for days. Mouse is a boss about reading maps, I discribed where I thought I was and he told me the cords he thought I meant and it was spot on. litarary, proper spot on! Very good job Mouse, Im impressed and thankfull. Thanks for the wake up and blood I also want to thank Stoka788 for offering me assistence, however Mouse was already on his way to help but thanks alot anyway stoka.
  14. immortal revolt

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello Medics Im in need of assistens. I got shot while running towards cherno and fell into infinite unconsciousness. Im about 400 meters north of cherno. It should be pretty easy to find me becouse I got some landmarks close bye and I can give approximate GPS cords. I got a epipen in my bag. Only problem is Im in a gilliesuit. Please PM me or wright in this thread if you want to help me. Thanks
  15. immortal revolt

    Shooting blanks.

    Three hits of AKM in the back should kill anyone, he wasent on god mode as he collapsed, he was INCREDIBLY lucky
  16. immortal revolt


    Switzerland is the best country in the world, My dream is to live there, Its the only true democrazy in the world. I live in a polydictatorship and it sucks, I vote on diferent lieing dictators every fourth year and I get fucked every time
  17. immortal revolt


    sounds like a really shitty country
  18. immortal revolt


    yeah they probebly should..
  19. immortal revolt


    I never Said any thing about rage. In LALA land everybody is happy I live in reality so Im bound to be bitter
  20. immortal revolt


    everybodys know you lieing about your "service"
  21. immortal revolt


    Your two word vocabulary speaks for itself, a tip for you my friend, lay of the steroids, its not good for your brain or your ego....a swollen ego is your worst enemy
  22. immortal revolt


    Yeah I know alot about history, how is that ignorant? mabey you so ignorant that you dont know what the word ignorant means
  23. immortal revolt


    Thats becouse your ignorant
  24. immortal revolt


    you misspelled CUM in your signature
  25. immortal revolt


    Fire? hahaha your so fucking stupid fire? HAHAHAHAHA Wow your far out in space, you should read up on technological history, I bet you think america or russia developed the NIGHT VISION and the stealth aircraft hahaha