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About nikinor

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  1. bitches don't know about my stealth
  2. That's not what I'm saying. I don't want to turn DayZ into an extremely-gorey rip-zombies apart with chainsaws comedy like Zombieland. I just want enormous 50 caliber sniper rifles to be in more obvious areas like armories and not lying on the floor in a tent. And on the bodies of soldiers, rarely. In a ghetto like Chernarus, the military won't really care enough to put down such an enormous military budget to throw M107's, AS50s and high-end high-caliber sniper rifles on the floor. They'd keep the big guns focused on more populated areas.
  3. I didn't have one, and really didn't want to waste time getting one. He HAD one, but his stuff dissapeared.
  4. I (sort of) agree. In places where I live, even at military bases, there aren't a whole ton of weapons just lying around like in the game. High-caliber rifles are usually locked up in armories and aren't touched until war time. You can't just walk into a barracks and find assault rifles lying around on the floor. Much less machine guns. What kind of homefront enforcement includes pulling out 50 calibers? Weapons, in general, should just be harder to find. An occasional handgun here and there is understandable for self defense. But an assault rifle in a fire station or a 50. caliber lying in the middle of a hangar where aircraft are stored and repaired?
  5. Last night, I joined iPro while he was playing on a private server. We were luring people into thinking friendlies were at Elektro. On the server, it was the middle of the night, so we threw flares everywhere. After half an hour, we lured two people into our trap already. We waited until they got in front of the schoolhouse and BAM- he shot them with his Lee Enfield. We weren't very conservative of ammo. He spent 2 clips goofing off, and a clip to kill both of them. Another 30 minutes passed, and I decided to loot the bodies with the very little cover we had. The entire plaza was lit up with 10-15 flares, and there were DOZENS of dead bodies everywhere. Almost none of them were by our hands, but I decided to finally loot them thinking it was safe. We got all of our ammo from 3 bodies on the hospital roof, which we were camping on. Once I climbed the ladder down, I was greeted by a horrible, horrible sight.. iPro saw another person, and let loose with an entire clip of Lee Enfield ammo. The horde grew bigger the more he shot. I decided if I was stealthy enough, I'd be able to loot the bodies unscathed. There were a ton of zombies at the ladder that goes all the way down in the back of the hospital, so I had to take the route to the lower section. Once I was down there, I immediately saw another player. We both peppered him. I turned my head as soon as he dropped dead to see the horde of pure, cold, hard zombie rape heading straight my way. None of them bothered to come up the ladder, instead they all stood in a bunched-up crowd at the side of it, waiting for me to dare stick a limb off of the side of the hospital. The horde was about three times the size as it was when I took those screenshots- the entire population of china was waiting for me to make a bad move. And make a bad move I did. While trying to type in chat, i didn't click /, causing me to press E and plummet into the horde. I didn't even hit the ground- there were so many zombies that I was bouncing up and down on top of the horde. The server lagged like hell a few seconds after I rolled off, and my blood instantly turned red on contact with the horde. They all in sync hit me at once, making me pass out and breaking my legs. The pass out wasen't long, and thanks to the lag, I somehow managed to get to the ladder and save myself. Oh, also, some poor bastard came around the corner of the wall around the hospital, and all of the zombies turn and broke his legs as quick as they did mine. He didn't even get a chance to run, and was engulfed in zombies. After he died, the server restarted to day time again. May he rest in pieces.
  6. nikinor

    Are these good specs?

    Oh, oh! But if you really don't think 6000 is much, can I please have your computer? Please? Pleaaassee? :(
  7. So, me and a friend were searching for a server and we came across the perfect one with ten players. As soon as we joined, we grouped up with eachother (we were both in NW where we logged in) and not long after, my friend was teleported to by a person in a ghillie with a hacked in weapon. Apparently, the hacker only shot him enough times to make him pass out, and he alt+f4'd while passed out. I did the same after hearing what had happened. When we joined a new server, he apparently spawned at Kamyshovo with a two-hour long pass out time. Literally. He went AFK for 30 minutes while I was trying to find his body and kill him and it didn't come down at all. Luckily, after almost an hour and a half of searching for his passed out body, I found it hidden in some grass on the islands south of Kamyshovo. He would've been passed out until he woke up the next morning if I hadn't of shot him. He lost all of his stuff as well. After that, this facility has gone (3) days without hackers.
  8. nikinor

    Are these good specs?

    "only" You're kidding me. You're seriously kidding me.
  9. nikinor

    Hackers. Hackers everywhere.

    A MONTH? What server have you been on? TELL ME.
  10. nikinor

    Hackers. Hackers everywhere.

    I was about to say "four" because I thought one of the encounters the other day happened yesterday. Edited.
  11. We don't go to Green Mountain. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never again. Never agai-
  12. it's funny, because me and a few friends have a little phobia of rabbits. every time we see one, there's something bad coming our way. ...O SHIT
  13. I'm going to be completely honest here; it's ridiculous to buy (two?) games for the sake of NEVER playing those games, and only playing a single mod. You could at least TRY Arma 2. There's nothing stopping you from finding an amazing server (AWG BE lite, Swamp's House) and having a hell of a lot of fun. There's also dozens, possibly hundreds of mods out there. ACE, ACRE, Project Reality, the list goes on. It's like playing a game with a hundred features, but only buying it to play with one feature. Arma 2 is absolutely amazing. You're missing out on a lot if you just play DayZ. It's fine if you try Arma 2, and don't like it, but not trying it at all despite buying it is just stupid.
  14. I agree with you, but you're just sounding like a s00pr srs bsns l33t arma 2 t4ct1c4l pl4yur at this point.
  15. It's obvious that Arma 2 is chock full of glitches. But those glitches have to be purposely done to really be noticed. The game is fun, and if you wasted 30 (20? w/ arma free) bucks on a game just to play nothing but a single mod of it, you're an idiot. Arma 2 is fun. The reason most people don't like it is because they can't stand the learning curve. But the fact that dayZ players never even touched arma 2 is just retarded.