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About Krisko

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Krisko

    How to handle the backstabbers?

    You should have killed one and offered to be a replacement. More seriously; you took a risk and it didn't go in your favor. Try again, maybe it'll pay off eventually.
  2. CZ, 1911. Extremely powerful, extremely common. The only high-end weapon I'd trade the CZ for would be the SVD, and good luck trying to find one of those.
  3. Good suggestion. If it gains some traction here, rocket may be able to float it by someone at BI for the next patch.
  4. +1'd, thanks for that. Anyone still questioning balance after seeing that needs to chill out.
  5. Someone needs to get a picture of the female skin standing directly in-front of the male, it only looks like a few cm worth of difference at the thickest part. The only noticeably 'large' difference is the breadth of shoulder. Center of mass seems close enough, aim for that.
  6. Krisko

    MERGED: ammo, ammunition, .22LR etc.

    A neat idea. Ammo in general needs a good looking into. Currently, the number of bullets left in a magazine is not saved and so you can refill your 1-bullet mags by logging in and out. Something like this, where you have to refill mags yourself from a box of ammo would be neat. You can get boxes of several-dozen rounds that would take up about as much space as the canteens in-game.
  7. By default, respawn with a single can of beans, an empty water bottle and a single mag for your Makarov. For every day survived, you respawn with more ammo, supplies and survival items (Watch, Map, Compass, etc) on your next life. Maybe even a fabled day 7 NVG. Throw a minimum playtime for each tier of rewards to avoid creating a character and just leaving it there for a week and you have an incentive to live longer between lives. By default, have a 10 minute respawn timer. For every -1k Humanity, add 1 minute to the respawn timer. For every +1k Humanity, take 30 seconds from the respawn timer. (The numbers chosen being completely arbitrary) With this, blindly killing players will make your current life easier as you'll have their loot, however, your afterlife will be a bitch, especially if your Humanity persists through death. Someone that goes around randomly killing will respawn with little and less items, and could potentially have to wait 15~20~30 minutes between lives. Food for thought.
  8. Krisko

    Out of Control[s]

    Make sure you have the latest hotfix and right-click the item you want to use in your inventory. Edit: For clarification, the way items work has been changed to something you would expect of most other games.
  9. Krisko

    What's your preferable server settings?

    3D View and Names/Icons definitely off, VoIP on, crosshairs are a maybe. Even with crosshairs off, the gun is still going to shoot at the center of the screen, and there's a degree of hand-eye co-ordination that is difficult to convey in game.
  10. Krisko

    Completely unable to die []

    This happened to me when jumped by 2 players. My legs broke early on in the fight (this seems to be a common theme here) and immediately jumped to -5k~ blood, completely unable to die. Not long after, a few players started complaining of the server I was connected to not saving progress. This may be related as I was not the only one on the server incapable of death. Others who have had this happen to you: were you able to save when logging into another server?
  11. While you have good intentions, this would also harm legitimate players that just happen to login to an area that other players are walking through, leaving them defenceless. Improbable, sure, but if it happened you'd be pissed. Ideas to solve this issue have been suggested, and personally I think something along the lines of simply not saving people within a certain area is one of the safer solutions.
  12. Rules are for the most part language neutral, so it's already possible to have this person booted out of the server. Ultimately it's up to whoever has the power on that server to take action. A lot of this kind of stuff will go away with the next ARMA patch as global chat will be done away with. From then on, you won't know when people are slagging you off.
  13. Krisko

    The "I know that guy" visual system

    If after skins are implemented, it's still quite difficult identifying people you know, something like this would be good. However, if it turns out to be similar to the floating text system built into ARMA, I'd add the stipulation that it only be visible in mutual relationships. ie: Both parties acknowledge that they "know" each-other. If that condition is met, potential griefing is avoided and the opportunity to remain hidden, if wanted, is preserved.
  14. Krisko

    Anybody else love the temperature?

    It's good, and once the means to manage your temperature are better worked on, it'll be great.
  15. This is the very definition of an exploit. Bugs and exploits are not mutually exclusive; rather, exploitation occurs when someone takes advantage of a bug. If these people were truly doing something noble, they would have come to the forum after discovering that they were able to do this rather than use it against multiple people. While it does help to discover issues like this, it does not help to use it as a means to grief people. Having people banned, warned, named & shamed is standard fare as far as exploits go in online games (this one included, see: people being banned for spawning jets/weapons) both before and after official release. Ultimately any sort of action depends on the severity of the case, but you shouldn't just let people off because "beta is beta" (or alpha is alpha) especially when you've got a fairly sizable player base. Protecting the player base, is, after all, what this sort of action aims to achieve.