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About cptmackay

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Video Games. History. Nuclear Science and Engineering. Tanks. Small Arms.

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  • Bio
    I was born 60 years too late. I Missed the golden era of American History. So I compensate by learning as much as I can about the past.
  1. cptmackay

    My Personal Challenge

    Well when i log out i find a place i would feel secure staying. Like a large building
  2. cptmackay

    My Personal Challenge

    No I haven't My shooting is limited to a few shotguns, a bolt action rifle. and some pistols
  3. cptmackay

    My Personal Challenge

    I realized that. Im considering doing that. Its waaay too long. to just walk. Take a break for a day. To simulate finding friendlies who would patch me up
  4. cptmackay

    My Personal Challenge

    I will try that. I would probably do that Im also considering not using weapons that I havent shot in real life., Which means no military AR's for me either
  5. So after a few weeks of playing with a loosely organized group of friends I decided to go alone and play day z the way I would actually do it in real life. I am going to make contact with everyone I meet and only shoot them if they are hostile to me. I will assist anyone who needs help If I have the resources to do it. I will not run for more than a few hundred meters. I will stick to the coast more often then not. I will not use outside help such as online loot maps or guides. I will take a break after shooting every player (to simulate the psychological effects of killing a human) I decided to do this to make the game more intense because I found the game too easy when I had a stock pile of M4's and Mk48's sitting at camp. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions to make?
  6. Oh wow. Ok I could see why that would be annoying...even more annoying than not finding a vehicle
  7. I wasnt around for the version.... What is artifacting?
  8. What I would like to see in the mod is vehicles return to spawns after server restarts. That way the clans/groups who hoard the vehicles cant keep them too long.
  9. Russia had a large nuclear program and not just in Mother Russia also in their puppet states. And most of those puppet states kept the reactors running after the dissolution of the USSR. For example the Chernobyl incident (located in Ukraine) only involved reactor four. One, two and three were kept in commission until 1996, 1991 and 2000 respectively. So it is certainly likely that Russia would have built a reactor in Chernarus. But that the Chernarus Gov't would have kept it running for a while after the breakup of the Soviet Union. In keeping with OP's suggestion, Rad suits could be found in military barracks. (Most military's have a CBRN [Chemical, Biological, Radiological Nuclear] branch and most also issue suits to soldiers in areas of danger, seeing as though the government would not have known the cause of the outbreak, it is likely CBRN suits would be standard issue to soldiers in the area)
  10. cptmackay

    What's your DayZ music?

    Pandora on a grunge and classic rock station.
  11. Well written and I would love to see all of the suggestions implemented. Though I doubt the engine will support it. Another suggestion in keeping with the sniper ideas: Targets you can set up and examine to see where you hit. Thus encouraging practice with snipers. and other weapons. To learn the quirks of your weapons and to practice.
  12. cptmackay

    More choice on where to spawn.

    I like the random spawn points. Adds a level of uncertainty
  13. cptmackay

    American Weapons and Russian Weapons

    I like the idea. I was always thinking why an M4 would be in an eastern bloc country
  14. cptmackay

    Hero skins have bullet proof vests?!

    Its a balance. Hero's dont get the luxury of killing people and stealing their stuff
  15. Logged in today. Everything in my tent was gone. The tent was still there.