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About freaktm

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  1. server : nz25 time : saturday 2:33pm timezone : gmt+12 same stuff as usual, these {NZA} guys been hitting the servers for over a week, already been banned from the forums, but dont seem to be banned from playing ?
  2. freaktm

    {NZA} DELTA on nz25

    hes priobably one of thoise sad peopl who are still living at home in their 40's and gets mum to pay for everything. worse is that beta guy wouldnt even have broadband if it wasnt for me lobbying his council for 6 months straight to get them to pay off telecom to upgrade all the exchanges in his area so that the residents in that area could have broadband, else he would still be waiting, till 2015. in light of the fact that i no longer live on the coromandel, i wish i hadnt put in the effort then he wo9uld still be using dialup LOLZ P.S. admins if your reading this, these guys are constantly joining servers that have my clan members on it to put them in the ocean then straight away leave again once their job is done, they are also making a mockery of this reporting system. seriouslty WTF ?
  3. freaktm

    this is geting out of hand

    we got tards who are opening threatning us with being put into the sea, and they folow thru. worse their threats are ON THESE FORUMS and they still dont get banned. i'm not wasting money on standalone if the attitude to hackers is the same as this. FFS why are we being targeted and put into the ocean muliple times a day (30-40min swim to shore) all because we reported some hackers and admins dont actually ban them, so I instead incur their wrath, regardless what server i go on, if i use my normal alias someone is on there putting me in the ocean ASAP. get it together and actualy start bannjing people that are reported, atleast while a useless company is doing the cheat protection, lol @ vilayer having to provide their own anticheat that works better than BE.
  4. freaktm

    {NZA} DELTA on nz25

    global ban these guys
  5. freaktm

    this is geting out of hand

    it would help if the people who get reported actually get banned. heck two of the guys that have been reported are openly mocking the reporters in the report forum and they still troll our servers daily http://dayzmod.com/f...-delta-on-nz25/ http://dayzmod.com/f...ckers-on-nz-06/ for examples of the cheaters bsicly admitting to their cheats and these cheaters still plauge us every night. and worse, cause nothing gets done about reports, after you report someone, thats it, your a target. i have so many hackers targeting me now cause nothing gets done get hit about 15 times a day , and doesnt matter what size server, can be a server with 5 people and some twerp will turn up. Like sure I expect cheaters to always be a problem to combat, but wtf is it with the same guys every day, people that have been reported in the past and are always still there. TLDR; : I'm feeling sorry for all the guys and girls like myself who make the effort to report cheaters and take part in this forum process, because its putting really big red targets on our backs for no apparent benefit.
  6. freaktm

    {NZA} DELTA on nz25

    note in the first post is the screenshot of your dead body after i killed you with your pathetic health hack.... your clearly dead and on the ground. pro tip to EXTREMELY n00b hackers : AS50 with NATO rounds does 174k damage .... your insta dead.... health regen dont work :P ON the bright side you rage quit when it happened and we had peace for a while. LOLZ
  7. freaktm

    {NZA} DELTA on nz25

    yeah remember when you were trolling my mate in the pbx and he tricked you into coming to me ... BLAM YOUR DEAD. but hey good to know you guys are getting kicks out of people being teleported to the ocean, wasnt me thou, i know you teleported my mate 18km off the coast before making his boat fly, then teleporting it to me ... BLAM YOUR DEAD it is SERIOUSLY FUNNY SHIT when you see some poor hacker n00b die to an as50 when they thought their god mode worked
  8. freaktm

    {NZA} DELTA on nz25

    Couldnt care less what spinless hackers do, hopefully they global ban your group ASAP thou. spose you do feel butthurt from being killed in your 'godmode' thou lolz
  9. freaktm

    {NZA} DELTA on nz25

    was real cool skills teleporting to the forest with an AS50 and shooting my two mates in the back of head then teleporting to directly infront of me and as50'ing me. dont worry thou guys, one day you will finish puberty and find such small things less amusing :D P.S. it's a bit shit that you guys are openly admitting to hacking on the dayzmod forums, and your still able to run around causing havok everyday, whilst nothing gets done to global ban u.
  10. freaktm

    {NZA} DELTA on nz25

    HERE is a screenshot of his name my mate had a PBX, and this guy appeared in it, then started driving it, making it fly in the sky etc. i told my mate to get him to come to me as i had an as50 and they generally work quite well against the hackers health hacks. sure enough a few seconds later he magically appeared next to me near devils castle, i shot him straight away and took this screenshot of his body then disconnected before he could load back in for revenge =D
  11. server : nz25 time : 5:45pm timezone : GMT+12 who : {NZA} DELTA what : usual hacker shit, get sick of typing the 'what' part of these complaints.
  12. freaktm

    jjangus5 on nz25

    the screenshot
  13. server : nz25 time : monday 1:10pm timezone GMT+12 encountered this guy many times over the last week or so, hes always hacking finally nabbed a screenshot of his body as proof of his name, basicly he was in god mode, i shot him a ton of tinmes , he didnt die, he eventually quit server and i was then able to kill him, after killing him i took this screenshot of his name when studying his body. note : that blue on blue stuff came up everytime i hit him with a bullet. in the background u can see heaps of clothing he spawned in. P.S. do these cheat reports ever get followed up ? I report the same guys all the time to the orcon admins who run nz25 and have reported a handful here, but all of them still seem to be active? what is the timeframe for a cheat report to be dealt with ? basicly theres guys ive reported who are on every single day, all the time and they never seem to go away :/
  14. server : nz 25 time wed 9:00pm timezone : gmt+12 had a guy who kept teleporting to us and attacking our group of 4, two of us put a clip each into him at range of about 1m and it had no effect
  15. Server : NZ25 Time : 5;20pm Time Zone : GMT+12 What happened : Spawned on server, got given broken legs and unconcious, still on 12k blood. no matter how many times i rejoin server im now lying there not unconcious, but unable to move or do anything as if i am unconcious. blood = 12k there is a player on called BulletBender who once teleported to me in a bus about a week ago and i blew him up with a satchel charge, so im suspectin him since theres only 8 people online and ive already seen him teleport a bus in the past.