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Posts posted by DaPope

  1. I am in need of a medic..I play on US servers and am just north of stary sobor...was looting a deer stand and when i clicked to climb down it just fell to the ground. I ran out of bandages so I can't save myself...I could also use a blood transfusion since i'm now below 6k blood. I can give better coordinates to whoever is able to help.

    Update: Going to head to bed for now..I'll be back on around 2000 CST and try to contact you guys again.

  2. Looking to trade a SVD Camo or DMR with 4-5 clips for either one for a ghillie suit and possibly a rangefinder. Somehow I have found multiple of each but still haven't been able to find either a ghillie suit or rangefinder in this game...Just send me a PM if you are interested and we can set up a trade.
